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Make Apps and Earn Money: A Simple Guide

Welcome to this guide on creating apps and earning money with them. While we may use apps every day, from messaging and ordering food delivery services, to weather forecasts, they play an integral part of life. Have you ever thought that perhaps YOU could create the next hit app?

Let me tell you it is not as far-fetched as it seems. My first attempt was difficult at first but now it is something I am confident that anyone can achieve. In this guide we will cover everything from the tools required, app types you can make, as well as earning money with them – get ready for an enjoyable ride!

Why Make Apps?

The tech industry is experiencing unprecedented growth. The global mobile app market was valued at $208.5 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $777.4 billion by 2032. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2023 to 2032 is projected to be 14.4%. And more people than ever are using smartphones, creating demand for useful apps that meet this need. 

Solve Real Issues: Paytm and Zomato were created to solve real world issues, payments became easy with Paytm while Zomato made food delivery more accessible. If your app can also solve real problems then success lies ahead!

Be Your Own Boss: Once your app is operational, you are the boss. No one needs to give permission or approval before updating, adding features or marketing it. These decisions are all up to you and your business. So you can take the entire control!

Passive Income: One of the greatest advantages of having an app is its potential to bring in passive income. Once it’s out there and people start using it, you could start making money through advertising revenue, in-app purchases or selling it altogether.

Global Reach: Apps can reach beyond local boundaries, reaching any corner of the globe at any time. Take for instance PUBG, this game developed in South Korea has since gone global

Types of Apps You Can Make

There are many different types of apps that you can make, depending on your resource availability, interests and skills. Here are a few categories to get you started:

Mobile Apps: These are the apps you find on your smartphones. Whether it’s Android or iOS, mobile apps are always in demand. You can make anything from a simple calculator app to a money.

Web Apps: Ever used Google Docs or Canva? Yep, those are web apps. You use them through a web browser. They’re easy to maintain and you don’t have to worry about different mobile operating systems.

Desktop Apps: These are the old-school types. Think Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop. They are installed on your computer and don’t need an internet connection to work.

Hybrid Apps: These are a mix of web and mobile. They can work on your phone and also be accessed via a web browser. Apps like Instagram and Twitter are good examples.

Tools You Need

In my own journey of coding, I have come to appreciate that having the appropriate programming tools can save a great deal of time. They serve a similar function in cooking as spices are crucial in producing delicious results.

Code Editors: Get yourself started in coding by starting off with something straightforward but powerful, like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text. Both offer plenty of features designed to make life easier while you code.

SDKs (Software Development Kits): When it comes to Android app development, Android Studio and Xcode are two essential software development kits (SDKs).

Version Control: Trust me, you should use Git as version control software. It will help track changes to your code, and be an invaluable asset if something goes awry.

Database Software: If your app requires data storage, options like Firebase or SQL databases could be a good fit. Firebase is great for beginners as its setup process is very fast and user-friendly.

Design Tools: Great design attracts users. Adobe XD or Sketch are great tools to make your app look professional; free alternatives may also be available if budget restrictions prevent this option.

Languages to Learn

It’s like learning a new language to visit a new country. The language you choose can make or break your app journey.

HTML/CSS: When building web apps, these two components form the backbone. They handle the look and layout of your app.

JavaScript: An essential component for developing interactive web apps, and foundational components in frameworks like React and Angular built with this technology.

Java/Kotlin: When building Android applications, most programmers turn to either Java or Kotlin for development. While I initially started off learning Java, Kotlin also offers great opportunities with some unique features that may make for an excellent alternative.

Swift: For iOS apps, this user-friendly and beginner-friendly language makes programming accessible and enjoyable.

Python: Python can be used for web apps, data analysis and even artificial intelligence applications which makes it versatile and straightforward to learn.

Plan Your App

So let’s talk about planning. I have seen many people dive straight into coding without doing their due diligence first. You should not do this. A well-planned app is like planning an enjoyable trip, you will enjoy it more while experiencing less frustration along the way.

Brainstorm Ideas: SIT DOWN WITH PENS & PAPER OR A WHITEBOARD and make a list of everything your app should do. Try solving an existing problem or filling a market gap as inspiration for ideas.

Market Research: When conducting market research for your idea, study similar apps. Look through reviews, observe what people like and dislike about each one to gain an idea of what’s working and what isn’t. This can give an indication of which ideas might be successful or fail.

Sketch Your Design: Draft an initial outline for how your app should look; where will buttons go and which colors should you use? Don’t try to be perfect here, just enough for people to understand.

Create a Task List: Break the development process down into smaller tasks to help manage time more effectively and monitor your progress. This can also serve as a helpful reminder when checking back for updates on progress.

Budget and Time: Be realistic about your time and financial requirements when making your plans. Will it require hiring outside help or can it be completed on your own? Be honest when setting limits.

Start Small

When I began my coding journey, one of the best pieces of advice I received was to start small. While it can be tempting to develop an app with all its bells and whistles right from the get go, taking an approach involving simpler projects will be much more manageable and successful in terms of longevity.

Why Start Small?

Starting too large of projects too quickly can be exhausting and daunting, while smaller ones are easier to manage and quicker to launch. Also, by learning on smaller tasks first you will gain invaluable experience that will carry over into future larger ones.

Consider beginning by creating simple apps such as a to-do list or weather app. These projects won’t take too much time and give you invaluable experience in coding and app design.

Milestone Approach: Approach app development as a journey with milestones. As soon as a small project is finished, celebrate its success, and then move onto more complex ones

How to Code Your App

Now comes the hard part. I know it will look hard when you are starting to code but with the right approach it doesn’t need to be as difficult.

Before Beginning: Before you dive into writing code for your app, ensure you fully comprehend its purpose and desired features. This will assist with the coding process and will serve as your roadmap.

Select a Framework or Library: Depending on your app type, selecting either React for web apps or Flutter for mobile apps could make developing easier with pre-assembled components that make programming simpler.

Adopt Best Practices: Adhere to standard naming conventions, comment your code, and organize files neatly; it may take longer now but will save time later on.

Code in Chunks: Don’t attempt to code everything at once; break it down into manageable chunks, focus on one at a time until complete, and move onto the next one.

Debugger Your Code as You Write: Don’t wait until the end to debug your code, get into the habit of checking for errors as you work. It is easier to address problems when the codebase is smaller.

Test the App

After all the previous steps are over, it’s time to see how it performs. I can’t stress enough how crucial this step is. Even the best programmers make mistakes, and app testing helps you catch them.

Unit Testing: You should thoroughly test individual parts of your app to ensure they work as intended – don’t want a button that’s supposed to save data to instead delete it by mistake!

User Testing: Enlist the help of several people to evaluate your app and offer their thoughts. Pay close attention as they interact with it – often this will reveal features you had overlooked!

Test it on Multiple Devices: For mobile apps, make sure they run smoothly on a variety of phones and tablets before testing on web apps – this ensures compatibility among browsers and ensures users get an optimal experience.

Performance Testing: When performance testing your app, ensure it won’t crash under heavy use or take too long to load. Nobody likes slow or unstable apps!

Iterate: Utilize feedback and make improvements accordingly. Testing should not be seen as a one-off affair, rather it is ongoing.

Launch Your App

Launching your app can be an exhilarating moment. I remember the thrill of clicking “Publish” for the first time, it is both exciting and nerve-wracking at once! But remember, this is only just the start.

Select Your Platforms: Decide where to launch your app, Google Play Store is suitable for Android platforms while Apple App Store works best on iOS platforms. Alternatively, some may choose third-party stores for distribution of their application.

Pricing: If your app isn’t free, set an appropriate price point. Being realistic about your offerings will help set an appropriate one. Remember: newcomers in the market might take more leniency towards you.

Promotion: Raise awareness about your app by spreading word through social media, inviting friends to share it, and possibly creating a simple website dedicated to it.

Updates: After launch, make sure that user feedback is being taken seriously by monitoring user reactions and making updates to fix bugs or add features as necessary.

How to Earn Money

Okay, now let’s get to the fun part, making money. Building an app isn’t enough, making money takes smart monetization strategies as well.

PayPal Money: Many app developers overlook the power of this payment method. It’s an easy and secure way to collect money from users around the globe. So, think about integrating PayPal as one of your payment options. It gives a sense of trust and adds an international touch to your app.

Advertising: One of the easiest and fastest ways to make money is through advertisements; Google AdMob is one such popular ad network that makes this possible.

Introduce in-app Purchases: Offer some features free while others as paid features; this way, users can try them before buying and you can make money from those wanting more features.

Subscription Model: If your app provides ongoing services such as news feed or cloud storage, consider offering them via subscription model.

Sell the App: If your app solves an enormous problem and gains widespread user adoption, companies might offer to buy it from you later.

Tips for More Earnings

The app world is competitive, so how can you stay ahead? To maximize earnings: Here are a few suggestions that could help:

User Engagement: User engagement is key. Keep users engaged on your app with frequent updates, seasonal offers, and referral code bonuses. This not only keeps your current user base intact but also helps in getting new users on board. Many apps like PhonePe, PayTM, mGamer offer referral programs

Seasonal Offers: Take advantage of festivals or holidays to offer discounted purchases or subscriptions within your app, especially during Diwali or New Year’s. I have found this to work particularly effectively during those celebrations.

Localization: If your app is doing well in India, why not expand its reach abroad by localizing it into different languages to reach more users worldwide? Translate into multiple languages for maximum impact!

Analytics: Make use of tools such as Google Analytics to gain an understanding of how people are engaging with your app, which may provide you with ideas for new features or improvements.

Marketing: Don’t underestimate the power of smart marketing. Partner with influencers, offer referral bonuses and keep promoting your app via social media to create maximum reach for your app.


Making an app may seem daunting at first glance, but don’t forget: every expert started out as an amateur. At first, when I released my app, it was exciting to witness even one download that wasn’t by a friend or family member. These small wins keep you motivated. 

Take that first step and write your first line of code; who knows? Your app could be the next big hit! Wishing you every success on your app-making journey