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Medical Spa Marketing 101: Email Marketing Tips And Tricks


It’s common knowledge that having quality content and high online visibility is key to attracting and retaining your customer base. However, you’re only halfway there to creating a successful digital marketing strategy. Whilst it’s good to put out keyword-rich, well-thought-out pieces of content, you need to deliver them straight into the hands of your target audience to really make it work. 

Did you know that consumers prefer brands using emails to communicate with them over any other medium? Social media may be the shiny new plaything, but email is where the study foundation lies. However, it’s not enough to just cut it at sending regular email updates. You need to have a strategic email design and content tailored within your blog topic themselves –– otherwise, it might be wasted on deaf ears. If you’re beginning to wonder how best to construct an effective email marketing campaign, we’ve got you covered. Read on more to find out about the best medical spa marketing tips. 

Creating Your Email Template 

It’s best to start out by using email marketing software (EMS) such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or Campaigner. EMS are especially great because they can provide a basic email template for you to use –– perfect if you don’t want to spend too much time on the design of your email campaign. Alternatively, if you’re into custom design and stylization, you might want to create a template from scratch. Though this is significantly harder as it requires detailed designing and coding, the end product is guaranteed to be more attractive, unique, and better tailored to your campaign goals. 

Regardless of the option you choose, you still need a good eye in designing and creating the layout of your email template. Here are a few tips you should keep in mind when doing so.

Look At Other Examples For Inspiration

If you’re unsure of how you want your template to look, it could be helpful to look at other examples on social media platforms Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. This will give you a good idea of what layout and designs you might like. However, do be sure not to copy other templates wholesale as this would reflect badly on your brand. 

Stay True To Your Brand

Because these emails are sent out as a representative of your brand, they must be able to resonate with your own branding. You don’t want to create an email template that clashes with your other marketing collaterals’ vibes and aesthetics! Ensure that you’ve weaved in your company’s logo and that you’re using the appropriate on-brand colors and fonts –– this will help to build your company’s reputation and credibility.

Order Content Blocks Appropriately 

Even though this is an email marketing campaign, the main goal is to drive traffic to your blog content. Whilst it’s fine to include promotional links or discount codes, you shouldn’t be hard-selling your customers with any services. Keep the primary content blocks of your emails educational by providing genuine advice or information on the science behind various treatments. Anything else comes secondary!

Ensure That The Content Blocks Are Clickable 

One surefire way to make your company look unprofessional and unreliable is by having an email that isn’t optimized fully for mobile usage. This could include having unclickable bodies or photos, off-putting paddings and margins, inconsistent font sizes, and a lack of headers or bullet points. It’s important that you invest extra time to ensure that your email would look amazing on desktop and mobile. 

Always Have A Footer With Your Business Details 

Lastly, always ensure that your footer offers up details on your business. This would allow customers easy access to important information and help in attracting their business. Details that you should include in your footer are your contact details, physical address, and links to any other social media platforms that your business is on. 

Creating Your Email Content 

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, is ensuring that you’re creating quality email content for your consumers. No matter how beautiful and aesthetic your email template is, it would not be able to effectively promote your business if you have poor content. Here’s a list of tips you can use for writing your email content. 

Keep it Short But Enticing 

In a world saturated with content, people get tired of things that are too long and draggy. Therefore, it’s important to write emails that are succinct yet enticing enough for your customers to visit your blog. We recommend crafting two to three attention-grabbing sentences that are able to arouse customer curiosity, create mystery, or promise an exclusive benefit.  

Use Catchy, Interesting Subject Lines 

Subject lines are the first thing your subscriber would see when an email comes in, and the determining factor whether your email’s being read or not. Hence, it’s important that your subject lines are strategically written to peak your subscriber’s attention and stand out from the crowd.

If you’re unsure of what subject lines are best, try experimenting with several emails. Come up with several subject lines and narrow them down to the two best lines. Then, send out an equal number of emails with either subject line. From here, you can utilize your EMS to find out which subject line had a higher opening rate. This would allow you to learn what subject lines work best with your consumers. 

Use Punchy and Compelling Call To Actions (CTAs)

CTAs are important as they are the motivating factor for your consumers to take action. In the case of your emails, these are used to compel subscribers to click on your website. CTAs should be kept short, direct, and clear enough that your customer knows exactly what you want them to do. We recommend elevating your CTA game by using vivid and compelling language to further incite curiosity and interest. 

Figuring Out The Perfect Frequency For Sending Emails 

Emails are one of the best marketing tools as they add an element of intimacy that enables customers to feel connected with your company. Once this connection is established, it’s important to maintain and deepen it by sending out regular emails. 

However, it’s also important not to overwhelm them with messages. Whilst we recommend sending out this marketing campaign once a month at the very least, you’re able to bump this up to twice a month as long as you have enough quality content. Ensure that you’re sending them out evenly –– maybe schedule them on the first or fifteenth day of each month –– so that your subscribers are getting regular updates. 

Track Your Emails’ Performance 

Consistent tracking and reviewing of your email campaign’s performance are crucial in ensuring an improvement in your future strategy. The most important statistics to note are open and click rates as you’re able to evaluate which subject lines and content are preferred over others. 

Additionally, we recommend conducting periodic updating and cleaning of your email contact list. As you interact more with your customers, you’re able to tell which ones aren’t responsive or have stopped indicating an interest at all. We encourage you to create a special campaign tailored specifically to this group of subscribers, such as re-engaging with them by offering exclusive ‘welcome back’ promotions. 


In summary, creating marketing emails for your medical spa can be a challenging and time-consuming task. However, when done well, these emails can greatly help in boosting your company’s sales. With the tips we have provided, we hope that you will be able to better create marketing emails for your company.