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Need a VPAT? Here’s What to Do

The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is a popular and widely used format for showing whether the information and communication technologies of an organization are accessible to people with disabilities. It is also known as an Accessible Conformance Report or Government Product Accessible Template. 

Organizations need to ensure compliance with VPAT for a variety of reasons, including government acquisitions and potential litigation due to violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In this article, we will look at what VPAT is and how you can complete one.

Ways to Learn VPAT:

Organizations often include an accessibility section on their product websites, which includes links to VPAT compliance. Learning design services can develop a commonly used software list that includes VPAT information, but verifying the accuracy of these listings is still necessary. 

The VPAT template is easily accessible online, co-developed by the Information Technology Industry Council and General Services Administration, and ensures products and services meet Section 508 guidelines. Additionally, ACRs are needed to describe a product’s accessibility features and can be created in-house; however, having complete knowledge about digital accessibility is essential for accurate accuracy.

Steps to VPAT Compliance

Failing to accurately represent your accessibility can result in expensive lawsuits. Therefore, getting help from experts trained to manage the complex and time-consuming task of VPAT reporting is always suggested. Hiring well-trained third-party experts provide you peace of mind. It also offers a guarantee of accuracy as an accessibility professional has years of experience in researching the ins and outs of Section 508 in the table. To learn the VPAT and get VPAT certification, you need to follow these steps.

  • An unbiased and accurate audit of your ICT products and services according to the guidelines of Section 508
  • Improve the VPAT compliance depending on the errors identified in the technical requirements, functional performance, and support needs an audit. 
  • Develop the required compliance data to build a VPAT.

The reporting essentials in VPAT 2.0 are more stringent. So, competing for the reporting with the possible accuracy is necessary. Don’t forget that VPAT compliance provides more significant insights into accessibility conformance. It is a very beneficial resource to facilitate meaningful communication and a fast procurement procedure. Hiring experienced auditors by your side is very important to develop sufficient access. 

Ways to Get a VPAT:

An inaccurate or deficient VPAT may fail to meet the requirements. To avoid this, ensure your VPAT has all the important elements by hiring a trusted digital accessibility vendor. Here are some important steps that you need to take to get VPAT.

Perform An Accessibility Audit:

A comprehensive audit will help you to create a checklist of remediation. It will help you to improve your digital assets’ accessibility and compliance.

Complete the VPAT:

There is no doubt about it that VPAT is a complex document. It needs a technical and particular evaluation. Delegate this very important task to an expert in accessibility laws and standards. Remember that many completed VPATs can be nearly 10 thousand pages long.

Maintain Integrity:

To maintain your documents, you must keep them up-to-date, accurate, and honest. Develop a standardized procedure for changes, improvements, and accuracy testing.

Post your VPAT:

Publish your VPAT on your website or make it available upon request.

What is VPAT?

VPAT stands for Voluntary Product Accessibility, and as the name indicates, it is a voluntary document. It states your conformance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. It also lists all of the standards relevant to your product and how you comply with them. The VPAT compliance also states whether your product meets, partially meets, or doesn’t meet each standard. While a VPAT helps you to communicate your efforts, you need to understand that it is a higher-level overview of the overall accessibility of your product. However, the VPAT covers 19 base question types and the assessment player. All of these are gathered under compliance for each criterion. 

Keep in mind that VPAT needs to communicate on a granular level. A rating that partially meets VPAT compliance to one of the standards is not necessarily referent to include question types and the player overall. VPAT fulfills the primary purpose of making your Information and Communication Technology products American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant. Since an increasing number of purchasers outside the federal government consider accessibility to select vendors, it becomes crucial for the organizations to prove their compliance. However, the certification can unearth accessibility failures in a massive range of digital products. In addition, the VPAT Certification is a fundamental tool for communicating the accessibility confirmation of the products offered.


The VPAT was created to offer a standard reporting format. It makes it easier for procurement departments to have a conversation regarding the accessibility of your product. It is essential always to remember that VPAT compliance is a component of a robust internal accessibility program. It will include in-depth conversations with your third-party vendors.