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Netflix’s ‘Get Smart with Money’: A Guide to Financial Management for Millennials

© by Netflix

Netflix has recently released a new feature-length documentary called “Get Smart with Money,” which aims to help millennials and members of Gen Z learn about managing their finances. The documentary follows the stories of four Americans who are struggling with debt or are unaware of how to invest and save for retirement. Through the guidance of financial experts, these individuals learn valuable lessons about budgeting, debt management, and planning for the future. The film is designed to be relatable and informative, with the hope that viewers can apply the lessons learned to their own financial situations and pay off high-interest loans such as payday loans to get out of debt. “Get Smart with Money” is part of a growing trend of Netflix producing content that focuses on personal development and self-improvement.

“Is ‘Get Smart with Money’ on Netflix Worth Streaming?”

Netflix’s “Get Smart with Money” is a feature-length documentary that follows the financial struggles of four Americans and offers practical advice from experts on how to improve their financial situations. Lindsey is a young woman working two service industry jobs and struggling with depression, but she cannot afford therapy due to a lack of health insurance. Financial journalist and entrepreneur Paula Pant helps Lindsey budget her money and come up with ideas for side gigs that could allow her to pursue her artistic ambitions. Teez is a professional football player who has experienced financial difficulties after spending a significant portion of his first $1.6 million paycheck on a house and jewelry. Wall Street rapper Ro$$ Mac teaches Teez about investing in the stock market and how it could have helped him feel more financially secure. Adriana, the daughter of immigrants from the Dominican Republic, has $108,000 in student loan debt and $45,000 in credit card debt. She is living paycheck to pay by taking out high-interest loans like payday loans. Financial educator Tiffany Aliche helps Adriana change her spending habits and manage her money better. Finally, Kim and John are a couple with two children and a high-paying job, but they struggle to manage their money and have little time to spend with their family. Blogger and retired young retiree Pete Adeney, also known as Mr. Money Mustache, offers them advice on how to better manage their finances and potentially retire in the near future.

Lindsey is a young woman who is struggling to make ends meet while working two service industry jobs. Despite her artistic skills and fashion school education, she has found herself in a financial rut and is unable to afford the therapy she needs to cope with her depression due to a lack of health insurance. In an effort to improve her financial situation, Lindsey turns to Paula Pant, a financial journalist and entrepreneur, for guidance. Paula helps Lindsey budget her spending and come up with ideas for side hustles that could allow Lindsey to pursue her artistic ambitions.

Teez is a professional football player who experienced financial difficulties after receiving a large paycheck for his work. Despite receiving a check for $1.6 million, Teez was unable to hold onto much of the money due to various expenses, including taxes, the purchase of a house for his mother, and the purchase of a house and $60,000 worth of jewelry for himself. Teez’s financial situation has become even more precarious in recent years, as he has been married and has a toddler and has bounced around from team to team, often going months without a paycheck. In an effort to improve his financial literacy, Teez seeks the help of Ro$$ Mac, a self-proclaimed “Wall Street rapper,” who teaches Teez about investing in the stock market. Ro$$ Mac explains to Teez that if he had invested the $60,000 he spent on jewelry in the stock market, it could potentially be worth much more and provide him with a sense of financial security for his family’s future.

Kim and John are a couple with two children and a comfortable home, but they have struggled to manage their finances since John was laid off from his engineering job due to the pandemic. Despite this setback, Kim’s career as a psychotherapist and women’s empowerment coach has thrived, and she is now earning a significant income of around $300,000 per year. However, Kim’s busy work schedule leaves little time for her to spend with her family, and they are unsure of how to manage their large income. In order to improve their financial situation, Kim and John turn to Pete Adeney, also known as Mr. Money Mustache, a blogger who retired at a young age after investing his money and scaling back his lifestyle. Pete offers Kim and John advice on how to better manage their finances and potentially even retire within the next decade, while also allowing Kim to take time off from her busy work schedule to spend more time with her family.

Similar Films to ‘Get Smart with Money’

“Get Smart with Money” is a Netflix documentary that aims to provide practical financial advice to millennials and members of Gen Z. The film follows the stories of four individuals who are struggling with financial issues such as debt, a lack of investment knowledge, and difficulty managing their income. Throughout the documentary, financial experts offer guidance and strategies to help these individuals improve their financial situations.

The format of “Get Smart with Money” is similar to other non-traditional documentaries on Netflix, such as “Explained,” which provides informative and educational content on a variety of topics. It is also reminiscent of the “Headspace” series, which offers advice on self-improvement techniques such as meditation and improving sleep. Additionally, “Get Smart with Money” touches on similar themes to ESPN’s “30 for 30: Broke,” which delves into the financial challenges faced by professional athletes, many of whom go from having millions of dollars to being financially unstable. Overall, “Get Smart with Money” is a unique and informative documentary that offers practical advice and strategies for improving one’s financial situation.

Highlight-Worthy Performances in ‘Get Smart with Money’

Teez, a professional football player featured in the Netflix documentary “Get Smart with Money,” has a financial story that is not uncommon among young athletes who go from modest or poor backgrounds to suddenly receiving large paychecks. In the film, Teez works with Ro$$ Mac, a self-proclaimed “Wall Street rapper,” to improve his financial literacy and better manage his money. The two men also take the opportunity to educate a group of young Black men, who are likely also athletes, about the importance of financial management. Teez’s story highlights the need for young athletes, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to receive financial education and guidance in order to avoid financial instability in the future.

Our Review of ‘Get Smart with Money’

The participants in the film are courageous for sharing their personal financial stories and allowing viewers to see the details of their bank accounts. It is likely that some viewers will judge the participants based on their financial decisions, but it is important to remember that we all have room for improvement and can learn from the experiences of others. The film is inspiring in its portrayal of the participants’ efforts to improve their financial stability and pursue their passions, such as Lindsey’s efforts to budget her spending and pursue mural commissions and art fairs. Overall, “Get Smart with Money” is a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their financial knowledge and stability.