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Online GST Calculator in India with Free Inventory Management App

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India is the world’s second most populous country. As a densely populated country, a stable economy is essential. Small enterprises account for a large portion of India’s economy. As a result, enhancing small enterprises and assisting them in growing might be a significant step toward a more robust economy.

In the twenty-first century, technology is taking over everything, even small company’s budgeting and accounting. There will be no more headaches or blunders when it comes to keeping track of your records, sales, and profits since Vyapar will handle everything for you.

GST Calculations

One of the most important tasks when managing a retail or wholesale business is calculating the GST. This takes a lot of time and effort when you have to calculate it manually. Don’t worry anymore. With all the innovations in Business Vyapar has come up to a fast solution for your calculations as well. 

You can now easily handle all calculation through Online GST calculator in India by Vyapar. This is a big gift to all the buyers, retailers and wholesalers out there. 

What is GST?

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an indirect tax levied on the supply of goods and services in India. It is a destination-based multistage tax, that is comprehensive. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) has simplified taxation for service and commodities enterprises.

What is GST percentage?

For tax collection purposes, goods and services are classified into distinct tax slabs – 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%, 28%, and so on (same slabs for IGST)

 On which products GST does not apply?

Some items, such as petroleum, alcoholic beverages, and electricity, are exempt from GST. According to the old tax structure, these items were taxed individually by various state governments.

Which product are exempted from GST?

There are some goods and services on which GST does not apply. These products consist of flour, besan, eggs, bread, sindoor, Sanitary pads, honey, yogurt, salt, newspaper, bangles, Color books and picture books, manuscripts and Rakhi without precious metals. 

IMM course books, bank charges on saving account, hotels and lodges with tariff less than Rs. 1000 are the services on which GST does not apply. 

What is the difference between GST inclusive and GST exclusive amount?

GST exclusive

GST exclusive is the price of a product or service without the applicable GS Tax. The customer will pay the amount of tax separately. 

GST inclusive

GST inclusive Tax means that the price of the product or service includes the applicable TAX and the customer would not have o pay the GST separately. 

Advantages of GST calculator. 

GST calculator assists you in calculating the gross or net product price based on percentage-based GST rates. It saves time and lowers the possibility of human mistake when calculating the cost of products and services.

Here are some of the primary advantages of utilizing a GST calculator:

  • Simplicity

It lessens your burden and simplifies the tasks for you. 

  • Accuracy

It gives you the accurate values of SGST, CGST and IGST

  • Instant Results

An online GST calculator saves your time and provides you instant quality results.

  • Ease of use

With user friendly interface it allows buyers retail sellers and wholesalers to calculate the pricings and profits. It also helps to calculate the net product price. 

Free Inventory Management App

Free inventory management app is more than anything a business owner can ask for. Vyapar is providing the best ever inventory management app.

Why should You get the inventory management app?

There are a number of advantages to have an inventory management app. 

  • It’s Free

First and foremost, It is a free golden chance to upgrade your business management and lessen your burdens. 

  • Anywhere Anytime

The app will help you to maintain your stock and set reminders for you to restock your concerned inventory from anywhere anytime through your mobile. 

  • Save your money and time

The inventory management app is going to save you a whole lot of money and space all those registers cost. 

  • Hassle free

The app is going to make your inventory management hassle free and you’ll start enjoying your technology-based shop management. 

Vyapar understand your needs and develop the solutions for the ease of businesses on which India’s economy is reliable.