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Optimizing the Reading Experience

There is so much optimization for the on-the-go man or woman. We have faster trains, express lanes, contactless payment, 1-click purchases, are more, so why wouldn’t the optimization of reading be as common? Too often we are faced with large blocks of text to read, from a long-winded email from a colleague to a school newsletter, and finding the time to sit down and read isn’t always easy.

Text to speech technology alleviates that burden. Using assistive technology to digitally read aloud text on a device, text to speech creates a streamlined way of absorbing information. No longer do you need to sit and read a long email; you can have talked to text read it to you while you drive to your next appointment.

Not only is text to speech a huge time saver for those constantly on the move, but it is a learning tool for those who might have a harder time reading on devices, like people with a learning disability or the vision impaired.

When does the ability to download come in handy?

But why would you need to download an MP3? Say you have a big project at work coming up, but you need to do a little research before your presentation. Download a few articles from the web, convert them to text to speech MP3, and then listen to all the studies on your commute home.

A text to MP3 software is one of the most important features offered by text to speech programs. The ability to turn files to MP3 is hugely beneficial not only for those constantly on the move, but it is a learning tool for those who might have a harder time reading on devices, like people with a learning disability or the vision impaired.

Benefits for all

Adults and children with learning disabilities like dyslexia or general trouble reading benefit massively from text to MP3 software. The multisensory experience of hearing words read to you while also seeing them on the screen can help people learn pronunciation, dialect, and grammar.

Another benefit of text to MP3 is for those trying to learn another language. When it comes to reading and comprehending new languages, it can be an uphill battle. Following along with reading materials while you hear the words spoken to you helps overcome the issues of pronunciation as well as trying to decipher each work. Instead, you can follow along with the narrator, and pause and rewind when you need more time.

There are plenty of text to speech programs out there, but not all of them allow the feature of downloading and converting to MP3. When you are looking to find the right text to MP3 software, look for one that offers benefits like a wide selection of voices to choose from, multiple languages, SSML support, Youtube video support, and more.

Whether you are using text to MP3 as a fun alternative to hearing your favorite books and news articles, or you are using it to learn something new, there are a plethora of benefits to using the software.