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Partner With Startups Connects Startups to Expertise and Funding

As a startup, surviving cut-throat competition requires support that goes far beyond funding. The team at Partner With Startups understands this, and that’s why they’ve built a platform that connects founders of promising startups with angel investors. Partner With Startups isn’t your average investor platform – beyond being home to investment opportunities, the platform encourages a mentorship relationship between founders and their investors.

When Andrew Dermond built Partner With Startups, he realized that there were many investor platforms, but none that offered access to both funding and expertise. By launching the platform, the Partner With Startups team filled a gap in the market on both the investor end and the business founder end. 

As an entrepreneur who has launched many companies himself, Andrew has leveraged his real-world experience to build a marketplace that provides startups with long-term support. The platform goes beyond streamlining the investment process, empowering angel investors to evaluate and connect with startups to determine whether they are the right fit. The startups that these investors connect with enjoy consistent financial support and mentorship. 

What exactly does Partner With Startups do?

Partner With Startups is an online platform that serves as a dynamic marketplace created to connect experienced angel investors looking to diversify their portfolios with high-potential ventures. By streamlining the investment process, Partner With Startups makes it easier for angel investors to find, assess, and interact with firms that meet their investment criteria. 

This platform goes far beyond providing funds to business owners and investment opportunities to angel investors. In fact, Partner With Startups is a place where angel investors can assess the available investment opportunities against their criteria to make sure their investments align with their values. 

How Partner With Startups fills a gap in the market for angel investors

Angel investors don’t just want to invest in high-potential ventures. Beyond this, they want to invest in companies that reflect their values. By offering investors a place where they can evaluate potential investments against specific investment criteria, Partner With Startups assures them of fulfilling investments. 

How Partner With Startups fills a gap in the market for entrepreneurs

Previously, startup founders looking for support could only access financial support from investors. It’s not every day that you get access to both financial support and expertise to guide you through the treacherous business landscape. 

Unlike the alternatives on the market, this platform does more than just link angel investors with startup companies. It also offers mentorship that both parties can leverage. Through mentorship, both startup owners and angel investors can identify strategic partnerships that suit the business goals. In this way, Partner With Startups empowers startups to maintain the momentum they achieve from the initial funding by fostering a supportive atmosphere built on mentorship.

The benefits of funding to startups are widely discussed, so let’s talk about the aspect of Partner With Startups that really makes the platform stand out:

The importance of mentorship for startup founders

By offering startup founders a supportive space where they can rely on their investors for more than funding, Partner With Startups gives founders access to the following:

  • A sounding board

As a startup founder, it’s easier to make decisions when you can bounce your ideas off someone who has been in your shoes. When this person is an investor who has a vested interest in the success of your business, it’s easier to be confident in their advice. Investors often draw from their experience to offer advice on how to avoid common pitfalls, approach challenges, and leverage opportunities. 

  • A proven growth strategy

Beyond providing the funding required for growth, investors often have advice on how best to allocate this funding and scale the business. Since investors often have to manage their cash flow, they are in the best position to help the startups they invest in do the same. With the advice of an investor, entrepreneurs can develop a strategy for spending with their short- and long-term goals in mind. 

  • Networking opportunities

Investors usually have access to a wide and rich network that startup founders can benefit from. In fact, investors are usually a great resource to turn to for introductions to potential partners or even clients. 

How to find the right investor to mentor you

As a startup founder, finding the perfect investor is even more daunting when you’re looking for someone who can also be a mentor. With the guide below, you can connect with an investor whose values align with yours and who will respect the personality of your business. 

  • Highlight your goals and needs

Aside from your financial goals, it’s important to identify the precise areas where you need support and expertise. Does your cash flow management need refinement? Do you need help building a successful startup team? Once you’ve identified areas where you’re struggling, it’ll be easier to find investors who have experience in these very areas. 

  • Consider their background and experience

Evaluating the background of each investor whom you’re considering partnering with will help you determine whether their experience will offer you the support you need. Take time to understand what each investor has to offer beyond a signed cheque so that you can enjoy the support you need to maintain consistent growth. 

  • Gauge their personality

A mentorship relationship only works when there is trust and both parties respect each other. It’s important to evaluate each investor’s personality to determine whether this is someone who will respect and protect the values of your business. Moreover, this needs to be someone who you can build a collaborative relationship with. The most successful investor-entrepreneur relationships depend on a careful initial evaluation of the chemistry between both parties. 

The collaborative relationships built on Partner With Startups offer both startup founders and investors the opportunity to build a fulfilling venture. In just a few clicks, investors can find high-potential ventures that match their criteria and entrepreneurs can access valuable support for building traction. 

About Partner With Startups 

Partner With Startups is an evolving online marketplace that bridges the gap between seasoned angel investors and high-potential startups that diversify investor portfolios. By initiating and maintaining both financial support and mentorship for startups, this platform is contributing to the success of the next generation of entrepreneurs and their businesses.