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Real-World Experience Accelerates Freemote’s Coding Bootcamp

More and more people are noticing an abundance of opportunities in the field of freelance coding and software development. For those considering this rising industry, a new coding bootcamp called Freemote offers a powerful way to get a freelance career kickstarted quickly. In fact, the bootcamp’s developer, former Uber software engineer Aaron Jack, assures students they can be hire-ready in under two months.

Real-world experience speeds up learning at coding bootcamp

The fastest way to really learn something is to do it. At Freemote, Jack and his staff have organized a streamlined curriculum that delivers information alongside real on-the-job experience. In this aspect, Freemote is utterly unique. Learning the skills needed to enter the coding job market while gaining valuable experience in the field is an opportunity students don’t get at other coding bootcamps.

The projects students complete during Freemote’s bootcamp are real-world jobs from actual coding job boards. Students at Freemote are trained quickly then learn as they go. They receive assistance from professional coaches every step of the way.

Freemote’s hands-on coding bootcamp delivers all the information students need to enter the highly-marketable niche of e-commerce software development. This area of coding is one of the fastest-growing job markets in 2022. It offers abundant and high-paying opportunities that students will be qualified to apply for after a seven-week, focused curriculum. By learning the needed information and using it in real-world projects, Freemote students are ready to take on these jobs right after they graduate.

The benefit of real-world experience at freelance coding interviews

When students leave Freemote’s program, they carry a portfolio filled with real-world freelance coding projects. After attending Freemote, for example, a student may go to his or her first job interview and discuss an actual e-commerce store pulling in $10,000 each month or a real website showing a two percent improvement in its conversion rate. Graduates from other bootcamps will be competing at those job interviews with standard projects such as fake calendar apps or YouTube clones.

The real-world experience of Freemote students stands out when compared to the standard projects students work through during other coding bootcamps. Thanks to the benefit of real-world experience, Freemote students will be applying for freelance and full-time coding jobs on equal footing with the free-lancers already working in the field.

Freemote’s real-world projects allow students to earn as they learn.

Transitioning into a new career can be expensive. On top of the education and training needed to learn about a new line of work, students aren’t usually able to benefit from a paycheck while they complete their courses.

Believe it or not, Freemote’s bootcamp does actually offer a model allowing students to earn as they learn. Before even finishing the program, students apply for and secure real freelance jobs.

Freemote’s mentors guide coding students through real-world projects

Students at Freemote’s coding bootcamp aren’t expected to tackle these projects alone. After all, real-world experience is only powerful when knowledgeable teachers are there to guide students through the process. Alongside experienced mentors, students search out and apply for work on freelancing job boards. The students and mentors then talk over the tasks and accomplish the work together.

In addition to their mentors, students are encouraged to contact any of their professors for support every step of the way. Freemote’s mentors and instructors offer assistance and feedback to ensure success on every project during the bootcamp.

Due to the mentor’s involvement, even students without prior experience in coding are able to excel in this program. Many students who enroll in the bootcamp have no experience in software development.

Often, people think they need to learn every aspect of coding before they can handle real-world experience. Freemote proves this is not the case. By offering a focused curriculum that targets the in-demand niche of e-commerce development, providing experienced mentors, and coaching students through real-world projects, Freemote turns students into free-lancers in weeks.

During this shifting job market, many people are searching for the tools that can help them break into freelance coding and software development work. Fortunately, a transition doesn’t have to take years. Real-world projects accelerate students’ learning and give them the confidence they need to venture into this new and exciting field.