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Russian Brides’ Weddings Around the World

The westernized and modern wedding is seen everywhere in the past scenarios, from the movies to Instagram. We have all gotten so used to seeing the glamorous bride in a big white dress. They are love to wear that big white dresses for their wedding. This is looking so elegant and pleasant to see the bride with the white long dress. These Russian wedding traditions are so fun and give more excitement in the middle of the wedding ceremony you may want to adopt them all. In the Russian traditional wedding ceremonies to playful games, the Russian bride sees it all on her big and happiest day. Most of the Russian weddings begin with a Russian orthodox ceremony. This is so special for the Russian brides. They enjoying that special orthodox ceremony. This orthodox ceremony will start with the betrothal, or the first blessing performed on the couple at the entrance of the church. They are mostly using the church to make the wedding arrangements. They also wed their lovely ones in the church. During this first blessing, the couple will receive lit candles and pray for a few minutes and that they hold throughout the ceremony. These ceremonies are comprised and start with the prayer and scripture readings russian brides.

The importance of crowns in Russian brides’ wedding

After finishing the orthodox ceremony, they are crowning the people who are the star of the day in the traditional ceremony. Crowns are placed on the couple’s head to represent the importance of the sacrament of the Russians bride’s marriage. The crowns are looking gorgeous and beautiful for those couples. These crowns are giving a special and exciting feel between the couples. The couple then drinks wine together, and they follow the priest and walk around the lecture for three times. These kinds of traditional arrangements are representing the journey of marriage. After completing the crowning function, the couple will exchange their rings. Traditionally the couple would wear thee crowns for eight days or one week following the wedding, but in the past few years, they are removed when the priest confirms the marriage.

The real fun traditional functions are start after the ceremony. They are announcing the newly coupled names. After the couple is announced the parents of the couple will give crystal glasses to each partner. They are supposed to smash them into small many pieces as possible. This is known as a game that is mostly played at the Russians’ wedding. Also, this is one of the most fun factors and also denotes their happiest marriage life. Every piece from the glass represents a year of the happiest marriage life of the couple. In this sense, each piece is taken as the happiest year of the couple. After that, the brides also release a balloon with their maiden name on it following the ceremony. That maiden name is maybe a friend, sister, or anything else. This means the bride is wanted to see the released maiden named person as the next bride. As the balloon floats away, the bride is said to be accepting her new name.

History of traditional Russian brides wedding dresses

In antiquity of the Russian traditional wedding dresses uses the colorful dresses. The color white dress was not used in Russian traditional wedding dresses until the nineteen sixties when western culture began to influence the changes in between the people. It will change the fashion and wedding wear dress styles. Traditional Russian brides are mainly wearing the red color dresses. It will give attractive when using different color lights that are used for the decorations of the wedding ceremony. They love and mostly use red and white for their wedding ceremony. White was the sacred color for use outside of the wedding and give the best attar and attraction from the people. The traditional dress of a Russian brides wedding is made up of a sarafan and blouse. There is a particular headpiece to cover their heads and it is worn by Russian brides. These metal framed headbands are decorated with rounded beads, stones, and gold threads. In a few Russian weddings, the bride’s headbands are made with full of roses to make pleasant attar. Though these are the traditional bridal styles of dresses, most modern couples choose a simple white frock. Because it will showcase a pleasant moment and they are like what wear those white gowns as their wedding dress.

Road trip in Russian brides wedding with their family and friends

May the Russian traditional wedding of brides contain huge fun to engaging the special day with full of happiness. They have the most fun of all their traditions, during a Russian wedding the couples are supposed to go on a road trip with their family and friends. This was the real place of making more fun on their special day of wedding. There is a big dancing and singing competition that will be debuted on that trip. During this special and funniest trip, they are supposed to visit monuments and other some exciting and important places around the city or town. In the Russian traditional wedding ceremony, they are conducting the photo shoot to predict their wedding photos to show it to their babies in the future. It will be more fun and a cuter to see. This is a long-lasting moment for every couple in the different areas. Sometimes these trips can take some time to complete to visit all the places in a particular city or town. In some of the Russian brides’ weddings may celebrate for two days with the reception. The reception will be followed by the wedding ceremony.

After the road trip, the reception is conducted on the next day for the couple. The reception is filled with silly and fulfilled games, pranks, exciting videos, images, and other fun. Russian couples traditionally get married at the younger age of twenty-four which may be the reason for these kinds of playful receptions. Fill the glass is one of the popular games which is mostly played at Russian weddings. This game will make the Russian wedding more fun.