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‘Saturday Night Live’ Highlights with Host Tom Hanks and Musical Guest Lady Gaga

Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) and Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) meet for the third presidential debate. Chris Wallace (Tom Hanks) is debate moderator

Monologue: Tom Hanks talks to America like a father talks to his son

Doug (Hanks) does surprisingly well on “Black Jeopardy”

CBS aims to return to winning back TV prestige with their new “comedy” entitled “Broken”

Couple visits a haunted hotel and is puzzled by the presence of a character named David Pumpkins

Lady Gaga performs “A-YO”

Leslie Jones discusses her personal experience from being hacked on Twitter in her Weekend Update segment

“Sully” (Hanks) doesn’t want anyone including the flight’s captain (Alec Baldwin) to forget who he is

Lady Gaga performs “Million Reasons”

A Girl’s Halloween

America’s Funniest Pets with host Ron Howard (Hanks) and guest hosts from the French version of the program

Tom Hanks closes the show