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Sleep and Mental Health – 5 Things You Need To Know

A Symbiotic Relationship

To have strong mental health requires sleeping well on a regular basis. But contrarily, to sleep well, you need mental health which allows it. Insomnia is a condition where the body and mind remain without necessary rest. Further complications develop as the body becomes weakened over time.

Just as an upward spiral compounds on itself, so does a downward spiral. Following, we’ll explore five things that it’s very good to know regarding your mental health, and your sleep patterns. When you know what’s keeping you spinning around in circles negatively, it can help you reverse your trajectory.

  1. Stress Compounds Your Inability To Rest Properly
    Stress of any kind can impact rest, though there are some sorts of stress that will hit harder than others. As it turns out, there is “good” stress and “bad” stress. Good stress may be exercising and pushing your body, or engaging in a friendly competition with a friend. After good stress, you sleep well.

Bad stress is worrying about your mortgage, relationships, or sanity. Bad stress erodes telomeres which act like tape on the end of shoestrings, but for your DNA—telomerase keeps it together. This is why we age: telomerase production diminishes. At least, that’s one reason scientists think we age. Regardless, bad stress keeps you awake.

Being awake too long is bad for your mind. When your mind isn’t healthy, that makes it harder for your psychological well-being to remain. Eliminating or managing stress that keeps you from getting proper rest is crucial to overall health. With studies showing that CBD can help to relieve anxiety and stress and promote sleep, you can begin to control, and ultimately manage your stress level with Organic CBD nugs.

  1. Three or Four Nights of Sleep Deprivation Initiates Hallucination
    It only takes a few days without sleep for you to start hallucinating; usually just three or four, but if you’ve skipped a night or two, you may have started experiencing such phenomena. Hallucinations can be visual, auditory, or purely psychological. One reason those who over-use stimulants hallucinate is because their brains need rest, and start “misfiring”, as it were.
  2. Your Comfort Can Play Directly Into Your Ability To Rest
    Some people need harder surfaces to sleep on, some people prefer softer surfaces. Some sleep on their back, some on their front, and others on their sides.

Whatever your preference, the more conducive your sleeping chambers to your unique needs, the better you’ll rest. If you find yourself in need of inspiration on how to change up your present sleeping arrangements, here are some great ideas for getting started.

  1. Sorrow Knocks You Out, Pride Keeps You Up
    Get sad enough and you’ll weep yourself to sleep. That rest may perhaps do better for your mind and body than were you able to stay awake and work through the sorrow consciously. When your pride has been damaged, though, that’s going to keep you awake. It’s a sort of sorrow twinged with anger and self-loathing. These things make it hard to sleep.

The remedy? Don’t take yourself so seriously that your pride is in serious danger of being damaged. That’s a lot easier to conceive than achieve, but it’s not impossible.

  1. Too Much Sleep is Also Bad For Mental and Physical Health
    Sleep too much and you’ll grow lethargic. Your body will pack on fat almost like a hibernating animal. This is one downside of extreme sorrow; too much sleep is bad for the mind and body. Ideally, as an adult, you should be getting between six and eight hours a night depending on personal constitution. Certainly, there are outliers to the norm here and there.

Balanced Sleep Cycles Help Maintain Positive Mental Health

Too much sleep is bad for you. Emotional states impact your ability to rest, and where you sleep as well as the furniture you sleep on can impact your ability to rest. Sleep deprivation initiates hallucinations, and bad stress will keep you awake.

Get a good mattress, keep yourself active enough to be comfortably fatigued at the end of the day, and try not to sleep too much. Keep these things in mind and you’ll be better able to keep sleep and mental health in balance.