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So, What is Google Cloud – and Should you Be Using It?

Eight of the top 10 telecommunications companies use Google Cloud. So do seven out of the top ten companies in media and entertainment. It’s the same in retail and software. Half of the top ten companies in financial services, logistics, and automotive manufacturing also use Google Cloud.

Just like most other cloud services such as DigitalOcean, with Google Cloud, Customers are charged according to how much of the cloud resource (such as processor power, memory, data storage, and connectivity) they consume. This uses a similar pricing model to A

In what is becoming a ‘cloud-based world’ Google Cloud Platform seems to be the choice for the majority of the top 10 companies. However, the question remains if the many functions and services this platform benefit small and medium-sized businesses just as much as the much larger entities?

What is Google Cloud Platform?

The applications and services within a cloud platform such as Google Cloud Platform (or GCP) can mean those small and medium-sized businesses are no longer constrained by the restriction of their on-site IT resources.

In theory, it removes any barriers placed on how data is moved, stored or applied within that business. It practices, it means a company is not paying for on-site tech like servers, just the resources they use.

Services on the platform include Google App Engine which provides tools for developers, a virtual machine hosting service (in direct competition to Amazon Web Services) and a data warehousing service along with more than a dozen others.

Customers are charged according to how much of the cloud resource (such as processor power, memory, data storage, and connectivity) they consume. This uses a similar pricing model to AWS, where customers are only charged for the resources they used.

Google Cloud Training

However, the Google Cloud Platform can be a difficult concept to get to grips with. This is especially true for a large number of people within small and medium-sized businesses that have no background or experience in cloud computing.

In this situation, small business owners are faced with the dilemma of training their own employees or engaging the services of external experts with the appropriate cloud skills. With the number of businesses moving over to cloud platforms, the risk of a skills shortage has resulted in many companies choosing to implement google cloud training for their employees.

As well as the opportunity to empower, develop and retain current staff, this typically saves on the cost of hiring outside help in the long term.

GCP Training Courses

Google Cloud Platform is made up of more than a dozen main services and many other applications. Consequently, there are a large number of courses available to businesses, not all of which will be relevant to all roles within that business.

However, a course covering the fundamentals of cloud computing would start to bridge any initial gaps in knowledge. Businesses can then train their staff by placing them on courses more applicable to their current or future roles.

Google Cloud training is available for each of the services in the platform so that employees can gain or expand skills on a single service like Google Kubernetes Engine or Google Compute Engine. Training is also available for more general skills such as cloud security or data engineering.