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Social Security Disability Lawyers: Things You Should Know

If you are suffering from a medical condition that limits your work ability, you can consider applying for disability benefits. Social Security is a program that caters to all individuals who cannot work because of their medical condition. However, you may need to meet certain criteria to receive approval for disability benefits. To begin the application process, you can get in touch with a legal procedure. However, many applicants are often confused about whether they should hire a disability lawyer or not. 

Here’s a guide to help you understand how disability lawyers can increase your chances of winning your disability claim. 

Who is a Social Security disability lawyer?

A New York disability lawyer specializes in disability laws and helps individuals who are unable to work because of a medical condition or a severe disability. When you hire a disability lawyer, you won’t have to worry about coordinating with the Social Security Administration (SSA). The lawyers will represent you and handle all the communication procedures on your behalf. 

Your lawyer will help you understand the laws and the legalities. They are well-versed in the laws and procedures for obtaining disability benefits. Therefore, it will be much easier to deal with the disability, and your chances of getting the benefits will also increase.

How can a disability lawyer help you?

There are so many things a lawyer can help you with. Whether it is about filling out the application form or representing you in court, an attorney will assist you at each step. They will be your helping hand and assist you throughout the process. Here are a few critical things an experienced social security disability attorney can help you with: 

  • Filing the application form: Most applications are denied because of a lack of complete information and records. It is important to note that the application form can be lengthy and quite tricky. It is essential that you provide all the details and fill in the information correctly. An attorney will assist you in completing the application form. They will make sure that you fill in all the details correctly.
  • Making appeals: An attorney will not only help you with the initial application. They will also assist you in filing appeals if your application is denied.
  • Following the deadlines: Deadlines play a significant role in the eyes of law. Failure to adhere to the deadline may result in the rejection of your application. An attorney will guarantee the timely submission of all appeals and documents.
  • Representing in the court and the trial stage: A few cases also reach the court and the trial stage. In such a case, an attorney will represent you and assist you in going through the proceedings.

When should you consult a disability lawyer?

There are various benefits to hiring a Social Security Disability Lawyer. However, you will only be able to take full advantage of it if you hire the attorney as soon as possible. You must consult an attorney before commencing the procedure. They will also help you determine whether you are eligible for the disability or not and will tell you your chances of winning the disability claim.

Many people make mistakes with the application form, resulting in the application being denied. Apart from this, many people don’t know that they can appeal the decision. These few errors could lead to the denial of the disability claim. As a result, you must contact the disability attorney as soon as possible. They will guide you from beginning to end. You’ll also save a lot of money and time when you have a legal professional by your side. 

How do I find an experienced disability lawyer?

Even the statistics and data show that a legal professional can increase your chances of winning the claim. However, it can be a daunting task to find the right attorney. You must pay attention and look for experienced attorneys near you. Here are a few ways to find an experienced disability lawyer:

  • Get references: The ideal way would be to get references from friends and family members. You can even ask your other lawyer to help you find an experienced disability attorney. 
  • Check out the lawyer’s experience and success rates. It is recommended that you consider the experience of the attorney or law firm. However, considering the law firm’s success rate helps. They may have delivered excellent results in the past. However, you must check their current state and go over their recent success rate.
  • Bar associations: You can even find a lawyer with the help of the bar associations, you can even find a lawyer. You will get a list of attorneys, and you can decide with whom you would like to work. 
  • Search online. You can even try searching on Google. One of the advantages is that you’ll also be able to read the reviews. The reviews will help you decide if you want to work with them. You can join communities and groups and ask for a reference. 

You must always look for disability lawyers who work in your location. For example, if you live in Philadelphia, you must look for disability lawyers. At Chermol & Fishman, LLC our experienced attorneys will help you navigate through the process smoothly. Schedule a consultation and discuss your queries with our lawyers for free.