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Step-By-Step Guide On How To Make A Successful Mobile Gaming App

So how big is the mobile gaming industry in reality? With an estimated revenue of around $85 billion, the mobile gaming industry is arguably one of today’s humungous industries. And guess what? That’s not all. This massive revenue is expected to rise to an estimate of $102.8 billion by the end of 2023.

By just looking at these numbers, you can quickly tell how beneficial it is to create a mobile game. You might even plan to create one of yours. But how to make sure that your game is going to be a hit?

While countless people are on the lookout for an android app development agency that could build them a great game, it is equally important to determine that your game shouldn’t just be created but should also be a success. 

To build a successful game, a developer needs to have critical knowledge of the audience that he’s targeting. Also, engaging gameplay with the right monetization strategy should be a priority. However, many game developers fail to meet these requirements. And let me tell you that if your game is no successful, then you’ll barely be able to meet even the expenditures, let alone the profit.

By reading this, you can tell that creating a successful game is no easy task. But don’t worry. In this piece, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on creating a mobile game that rocks. So let’s begin

How To Make A Successful Mobile Game? (Step-By-Step Guide)

Step 1: Have A Clear Idea About Your Game

Creating and working on your game idea is perhaps the most daunting task and yet the deciding factor for your game’s success. Therefore, one should think critically when ideating their game. So can you do it effectively? It’s simple. Like every other app, you need to bring something new to the table to make your game successful. Now, this is not a piece of cake as the gaming market has grown rapidly in the last decade, having every outstanding turned to reality.

In such a condition, your best option to go with is to improvise existing ideas. Think of the great games that you love and try to find room for improvements.

Step 2: Retain Players With An Engaging Story

Humans are curious. We always need a purpose or goal to achieve for doing anything. Try to implement this characteristic in your game story. The idea of your game should run around a storyline to get your users hooked to a purpose. Ultimately, this would help you retain the players. Note that the story of your game doesn’t always need to be complicated. It can be as simple as you want it to be.

Just answer these questions, and you’ll be able to come up with an engaging story.

  1. Who is the hero in your game?
  2. Who is the villain of the story?
  3. What are the weaknesses and strengths?
  4. Why is the hero fighting villain?
  5. How is the hero of your game going to defeat the villain and achieve victory?

Step 3: Game Dynamics Are Essential

If you plan to retain the players long-term, you need to make sure that they are addicted. A pronounced way of doing this is to work on your game dynamics. You need to know that a simple game with dynamics is far better and preferable than understanding complex storylines. Moreover, chances of success for such games are much higher.

You can improve your game dynamics just by making it easily playable and fast-paced. Increase the level of difficulty as players move forward in the game, which will ultimately present a challenge. Not to mention that gamers are always down for facing challenges.

Another great approach for improving the dynamics is to make your game stages shorter. The feeling of achievement is always a driving factor. Moreover, too lengthy stages are most likely to cause boredom and your players to lose interest in the game. 

You can roll out updates later when you’ve managed to engage players with the game.

Step 4: Designing Your Game

Now, if you think that your game’s design is just a matter of presentation, then you’re on the wrong side of the page. Game design is much more than that. A lot goes into a great game design, including the appearance of menus, animations of your characters and stage environment, etc. 

There’s a lot that you can do in a mobile game design. However, it would be best to make sure that the design elements you’re putting in the game should have minimal weight. Heavy design elements could drastically affect your game’s performance, and you certainly don’t want it to happen.

Step 5: Create A Monetization Strategy

You don’t just want to create a game that people love playing. You want to create a game that earns money as there’s a lot of expenditure you need to recover, let alone the revenue. A perfect game monetization strategy would help you recover the expenses incurred on game development and earn revenue.

Here’s how you can do it.

Include In-App Purchases

Perhaps the most common and easiest method to earn revenue from a mobile game application is In-App purchases. Using this technique, you can allow users to download and play the game for free. However, to get their hands on extra cosmetic features like bonus levels and different skins for playable characters, a user must pay within the app.

Showcase Ads

In-app purchases alone cannot earn substantial revenues within the game. To overcome this, allow brands to showcase their ads within your game. 

However, you need to remember that you have to pay special attention to what kind of ads you display in the game. Also, spamming your game with ads would ruin the experience, so avoid that as well.

Offering Premium Version Of The Game

Another great way of earning extra revenue is to offer a premium version of your game to allow the players to avail themselves of special features and stages. However, asking for payments straightaway can significantly reduce the number of players who are willing to pay. Therefore, it is essential to offer free trials of the premium versions before you ask for payments.

That’s All, Folks

So now you know how to create a successful mobile gaming app. Leverage this guide and create a game that rocks and earns great revenues.

Author Bio: 

Jane Collen is a creative content writer and digital marketer at TekRevol. She works closely with B2C and B2B businesses providing blog writing, video script writing, ghostwriting, copywriting and social media marketing services.