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Steps to Consider for Creating Efficient User Interview Questions

© by Interview

User interview questions are a part of a UX research approach wherein an investigator interviews a user regarding a particular subject of research (e.g., system application, behaviors, and customs) to understand that issue. User interviews are one-on-one interviews, as opposed to focus groups, which engage several users simultaneously.

The aim of user interview questions

The goal of such interviews is twofold: to identify the user’s personality and to learn as much as possible about the user’s goals, requirements, and opinions on your present or prospective product. No matter which organization and company you work with, regardless of how big or small it is and whoever is the target audience, user interviews are important to understand the target audience and customize products that will attract more and more people. Without these interviews, it is hard to understand what people want and can result in a product no one wants to have, which will have negative impacts on sales and overall profits. Also, Interviews provide information on what people think about a company, service, product, or activity. They can highlight which item is noteworthy, what visitors believe is significant to the business, and any suggestions for development. That is why it is very important to make effective user interview questions that will help is a better insight into the mindset of the audience.

Steps for efficient user interview questions:

To begin, consider an interview as a sort of research study rather than a sales pitch or a casual discussion. Then, follow the steps given below to make effective interview questions:

Make a priority list

Make a prioritized list of the topics. Focus on the things you just wrote down and use them to formulate your questions. A clear, precise aim relating to a single feature of the users’ behavior or attitudes can unite the group together and influence how the interview will be constructed. These questions can be expanded for more in-depth interview questions.

Build trust with the user:

Users are more inclined to understand, communicate, and loosen up if they are at ease and trust the interviewer and the procedure. Build the trust of your user using the following tips: 

  • Before the interview, have at least some engagement with the user like a call or a chat.
  • Discuss the purpose of the survey as well as how the information in it will be handled well before interview day, as well as before the beginning of the actual interview.
  • Take notes, nod, make regular eye contact, provide acknowledgments such as “I see,” and repeat what the user said to ensure the users feel respected.
  • Allow people to complete their thoughts. Please do not disturb them.
  • Take your time with the user. Pause. Reduce your talking speed.
  • Begin with simple statements that are highly improbable to be construed as personal or judgemental.
  • Be genuine and avoid faking empathy. Acting might make you look deceptive. It is preferable to be yourself; don’t say anything until you truly believe it.

Have a list of questions:

Though you will most probably create more questions when talking with the users, do some research beforehand and have a list of questions ready. A list of questions assures that you will:

  • be able to gather advice from your team on your questions leading up to the event and recall whatever you needed to know
  •  approach users regarding as many of the relevant subjects as practicable during the interview be able to gather advice from your team on your questions leading up to the event recall
  • create concise, nonleading questions properly which might be difficult to do while conducting the interview
  • handle stress or exhaustion by keeping questions handy to refer to

Data collection and presentation:

Everything you’ve done up to this point might be for nothing if you don’t communicate your findings correctly. Make the data easier to understand by including brief facts, significant quotations, and infographics. 


Creating effective user interview questions is important for all sorts of businesses and firms. The importance of this can be seen from the fact that this is a business now, that help people create User Interview Questions which will bring in the more useful information from their target audience.