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Steps to Take Following a Construction Site Accident

Construction work is one of the most dangerous jobs considering that it requires working with heavy machinery in risk-prone environments. Shocking statistics claim that 5,333 workers died at their workplace in 2019, which is a very high number. Even if construction workers have dangerous jobs, every employer must keep their workers safe. A high number of construction workers suffer injuries in preventable accidents.

Lawyers such as Attorney Rob Greenstein, a lawyer in New York City, New York, believe that all workers should get compensation for work-related injuries. Therefore, if any injury is sustained at the workplace, you can issue a claim and be compensated.

What to Do After a Construction Site Accident

Go to the Hospital Immediately

Before any legal discussions can start, you must prioritize your health. It might seem like the injury is minor and doesn’t require any medical attention, but that should be up to the doctors. In case the victim is unconscious, the people around should call an ambulance immediately.

A fast response can mitigate further injury to the victim and could prevent a fatality. Most likely, you will need to show evidence that you went to the hospital immediately, as well as provide a medical report on the injuries you sustained. This will be very important to win your personal injury lawsuit.

Inform Your Employer

Ensure that your employer or supervisor is aware that an accident has occurred. There should be a paper trail related to the accident with crucial details such as the date of the accident, where the accident took place, how it happened, the potential cause of the accident, and who else saw the accident happen. You should also note the name of the person receiving the report and their position within the company.

Collect Evidence

Following your accident, there are essential documents that will help you when filing a compensation claim. You will need the contact information of the people present during the accident, photos of the accident scene, your medical records, and all correspondence you have with your employer, surveillance footage, and anything else that could help. All evidence you gather as soon as the accident occurs will help prove your case without any doubts.

Get an Experienced Construction Accident Lawyer

You might need a lawyer because you might be too injured to collect evidence and follow up with your employers after the accident. The lawyer should guide you through the required protocols. They will help you determine if you should file a personal injury claim on top of your compensation claim, depending on the circumstances.

A good lawyer will be present during your negotiations and get you the fairest deal possible. They can do everything related to the case while you focus on healing. You might also focus on hiring an employment or labor lawyer like as they have the best experience when dealing with employers.

Appeal in Case Your Claim Was Denied

Going through an appeal isn’t the desired goal when you file a compensation claim or a personal injury lawsuit. But, if you present a weak case with insufficient evidence, the court might choose to deny your claim. However, the law allows the plaintiff a second chance to present their case.

Why You Need a Construction Accident Attorney

It’s every worker’s right to work in a safe place, even if their job is risky. The traumatic experience after a workplace injury can be very tough to go through alone; that’s why you need someone who has dealt with such cases to guide you through the process. Their experience helps the process go faster so you can fully focus on your healing journey.