BBC America’s acclaimed thriller “Killing Eve,” starring Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer, has earned a fourth season renewal prior to its third season premiere. Debuting on April 8, 2018 and based on the Villanelle novel series by Luke Jennings, the series follows Eve Polastri (Sandra Oh), a British intelligence investigator tasked with capturing psychopathic assassin […]
Jodie Comer
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Overall, HBO was the most honored network with 8 of the primetime 26 awards handed out (including “Game of Thrones” for Outstanding Drama Series). Next was Amazon Prime Video with 6 (including “Fleabag” for Outstanding Comedy Series); followed by four for Netflix; 2 each for NBC, BBC America and FX; and 1 each for Hulu […]
by Marc Berman Comments are off
The final season of HBO blockbuster “Game of Thrones” led the 2019 Primetime Emmy Award nominations, with a record 32 nods. If the medieval fantasy drama does win for Outstanding Drama for the fourth time, it will join “Hill Street Blues,” ”L.A. Law,” ”The West Wing” and “Mad Men” with that distinctive honor. Second overall among […]
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The Television Critics Association (TCA) has announced the nominees for the organization’s 35TH Annual TCA Awards. Comedy duo Desus & Mero, stars of the TCA-nominated Showtime series of the same name, will host the live ceremony on Saturday, August 3rd at The Beverly Hilton Hotel. The 2019 TCA Awards, a celebration of all things television, […]
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BBC Renews ‘Killing Eve’ for Season 3
by Marc Berman Comments are off
BBC America has renewed “Killing Eve? for a third season, with an unconfirmed number of new episodes. Debuting on April 8, 2018, “Killing Eve” revolves around Eve (Sandra Oh), an MI6 operative, and psychopath assassin Villanelle (Jodie Comer) in this story of two women, bound by a mutual obsession and one brutal act. The show’s […]
by Marc Berman Comments are off
BBC America picked up drama “Killing Eve” for a second season, days before its April 8th debut. It stars Sandra Oh (“Grey’s Anatomy”) and Jodie Comer (“The White Princess”) and revolves around a psychopathic assassin and the woman charged with hunting her down. The logline: Based on the novellas by Luke Jennings, ‘Killing Eve’ centers on two […]