TBS has handed a two-season renewal to veteran animated comedy “American Dad”, taking it through seasons 18 and 19. Debuting in February 2005, “American Dad” aired on Fox 11 seasons before moving to the cable network in October 2014. Created by Seth MacFarlane, “American Dad” focuses on the eccentric upper middle class Smith family in the […]
Patrick Stewart
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If you’re looking for some fun-filled entertainment during the opening days of spring, you can play board games with your family, enjoy Intertops casino no deposit bonus online casino gaming events or flip on a series for some binge-watching. Today the majority of American homes have streaming services. That means that, when it’s time to […]
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For fans of ‘Star Trek,’ this month is a very exciting time. After a seventeen-year absence from the universe of the television show, the legendary character Jean-Luc Picard is being brought back to life by CBS and actor Sir Patrick Stewart, and the first episode of the show will be available for streaming worldwide on […]
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Streamer CBS All Access has greenlit the latest series in the “Star Trek” franchise, “Star Trek: Picard,” before its official launch. In the series, which officially bows with one episode per week on Thursday, January 23, Sir Patrick Stewart is reprising his role of Jean-Luc Picard, the former captain of the USS Stargazer and both […]
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Digital streamer CBS All Access has ordered a new original straight-to-series order for “Interrogation,” which will be produced by CBS Television Studios and Fabrik Entertainment. Co-creators Anders Weidemann (“30 Degrees In February”) and John Mankiewicz (“House of Cards,” “Bosch”) will serve as executive producers alongside Fabrik Entertainment’s Henrik Bastin and Melissa Aouate. The logline: “Interrogation” is […]
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Scripted comedy “Blunt Talk,” from “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane, will not be returning on Starz for a third season. Debuting on Oct. 24, 2015, “Blunt Talk” followed British newscaster Walter Blunt (Patrick Stewart) who moves to Los Angeles with the intention of conquering American nightly cable news. His misguided decisions on and off the […]