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The Advantages of a Bilingual Education

Today it is more and more common to meet people who speak two or more languages equally well, this may be due to work, study or being in different countries. Knowledge of languages is becoming a necessity in the modern world, so there are bilingual schools for children, language camps, online learning and special training programs at universities. Students who know several languages do not need to buy argumentative essay, for example, because they can do the task themselves. Let’s take a closer look at the concept of bilingualism, its pros and cons, and a good starting point for learning languages.

Bilingualism is the knowledge of two or more languages through which successful communication can take place. A person is considered bilingual if he/she knows the language at B1 level, his/her vocabulary is about 3000 words, he/she can express himself/herself competently, describe events, facts, phenomena, communicate on different topics, perceive speech of another person, understand the cause-effect relations.

There are the following types of bilingualism:

Individual. A person who knows two or more languages.

Group. Students of one department, employees of a company department or students of one class, i.e. it is a group of people connected with a common goal, task, activity.

National. A country where several languages are spoken. For example, in Canada they use English and French, in Singapore they speak Malay and English, in Switzerland people speak 3 languages: German, French and Italian.

Artificial. Languages are learned unnaturally, through learning with a teacher. And the person himself doesn’t use these languages to communicate in everyday life.

Natural. It is typical for children from mixed families where one of the parents is a foreigner, or migrant families, where a child without special training immediately falls into a different environment.

There are other classifications of types of bilingualism. For example, Uriel Weinreich distinguishes composite (typical for mixed families), coordinative (refers to emigrants) and subordinate bilingualism (typical for the school system).

What are the advantages for bilinguals?

Self-confidence. During the training you have to solve non-standard tasks for yourself, overcome your own fears, go beyond the usual boundaries. Due to this you will feel more free and confident in unexpected situations.

Watch your favorite TV shows, movies, and YouTube channels in the original language. For example, in comedy films where it is difficult to translate a joke word-for-word, they make incredible edits, due to which the desired meaning is lost.

A great social circle. During the practice you’ll be able to meet different people and meet new friends from different parts of the world.

Other languages will be easier to learn. After you learn at least one language at B1 level, you have an understanding of the structure and features of the language, so the next language you can learn with an analogy.

New opportunities. For example, study in another country or work abroad. You can easily get a job as a translator or provide argumentative essay help, for example.

As for the difficulties a bilingual may face, some speech problems may arise, especially if learning several languages at once begins in childhood, confusion of words, wrong accents, simplification of words, limited vocabulary in two languages. But all this can be fixed with the help of training with a speech therapist.

How to start learning a second language?

First of all, you need to start learning a language by setting a goal and making a plan: why are you learning the language (for work, travel, study, self-development), what level you need (B1, B2 or C1), how much time you plan to spend on learning the language.

Also be sure to come up with a goal that will inspire you to do regular activities. This could be a special trip to a faraway country, studying at a European university, or working for an international company. The goal should ignite you to intensely start learning a new language. And only then proceed to choose a method, school or tutor. And most importantly, do not believe the myths that you can become a bilingual only in childhood. You can learn a language at any age, and all that matters is regularity and patience.

Bilingual education options

There are three types of bilingual learning in the U.S. educational system. The first is to support the ability to speak, read, and write in the native language while learning English. Initially lessons are taught in the native language and English is taught as a foreign language. It provides for the transitional use of the minority mother tongue as a mode of learning (especially in the first year) before supporting bilingual learning in the upper grades. Thereafter, students are taught in two languages. The second type of instruction does not aim to teach bilingual skills. The native language is used until students have sufficiently mastered English, after which they are taught in that language only. The third type of teaching is addressed to classes consisting of English-speaking and non-English-speaking students. By communicating, the children learn each other’s languages.