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The Fun of Timezone in Singapore

Undeniably, Timezone has become one of the best-selling video games of all time under the arcade. Do you ever feel the pressure of having kids at home during their school holidays and get stuck on what things to have them involved in? Or maybe you have birthday parties and have fallen short of entertainment. Perhaps you are an arcade blogger and want to venture into the Timezone entertainment space. Whether you are an adult or a school-going child, video gaming is essential to your health. If you are stuck on what games to play, you don’t have to worry since this article will answer all your questions and doubts. Anytime you feel stuck, get up and search for an arcade near me, and you will find various places. In Singapore, Timezone is gaining popularity day in and day out. Due to its popularity, Timezone receives many customers. With the current Covid-19 situation, however, safety measures should be followed to avoid risking our lives.

Like every other arcade game, time zone has rules and etiquettes to guide you through. In a nutshell, being gracious, keeping distance, and cleaning hands are among the safety rules in the Timezone during the Covid-19 pandemic. Before you finally visit such places, have that in mind. As parents, it is essential to take our kids to the Timezone.

What Are the Fascinating Games To Play In Timezone?

Have you ever heard of any arcade games? Or do you ever enjoy playing arcade games? The game embracing category will probably be happy to listen to this. For beginners, it is good to discover more to find the best games to play in Timezone. Here below are some of the most exciting arcade games.

  • Crossy Road. In all honesty, it’s without a doubt that it’s the best game of all time for anyone who plays it. Let’s play the game a bit. We begin by listening to the jangly music and looking at the cute graphics with the mythical storyline; wow! Look at that chicken and help it cross the road as you try escaping all the obstructions, including trucks, eagles, and slippery logs. Enough of the game, huh! This tells you that the game is very addictive, and you would never want to quit. Once you begin playing this, you will not stop because your aim will be getting the chicken to its destination. Crossy road is indeed excellent!
  • Mini Bowling. For newbies, toppling the mini bowling pins is easier than trying ten-pin bowling. It is less intimidating; unlike ten-pin bowling which requires attention, especially with strikes and spares, min bowling does not require more skills. It is the most exciting game to try out with your crush, ooh sorry! What we mean is, mini-bowling should be the game to try out during your romantic dates. Have fun; you only live once.
  • Dance Dance Revolution. These streets can rough you up! Adulthood can be so intimidating to scare you off. Take life easy and try Dance Dance Revolution in such situations because by following the fascinating celebration movements of the game, your mood will automatically switch. For the game to be more fun, you will need the company of friends, family, or colleagues to embrace competition.

Where can you find Timezone in Singapore?

Looking for Timezone and not sure where to find them? Singapore is a country of hard work and fun at the same time. Along the avenues, malls, streets, and plazas are the Timezones. If you are stuck, all you need is to use your Google maps, and boom! You will be there in a second.


There are things we will never have control over; arcade games are among them. They are addictive, and playing them is embracing fun and enhancing our mental and general health. Games are essential for our kids, professionals, and the elderly. It is fundamental to break our daily routines by involving in games.