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The RAM Gen 2 NFT – Review and Guide 

RiseAngle Membership, RAM NFTs, are a new and innovative revolution in the NFT space, shaping the future of NFT utilities. But before we dive into RAM NFTs, what are NFTs, and why are they so important?

If you are into tech, you may have heard about Chris Torres’ Nyan Cat NFT selling for about $600,000 (300 ETH). You may also know that the most valuable and recognizable artworks, such as the Mona Lisa, may be replicated as NFTs.

NFTs are visible on your screen, allowing you to see them for what they are – animations, photographs, texts, tweets, and audio – just as their purchasers do – and to judge them accordingly. Thus, you could download them and have the exact same file as all of the NFTs that were sold for millions of dollars in a single transaction. But why are people willing to pay such astronomical prices for them? 

What are NFTs?

“NFT” is an abbreviation for “Non-fungible Token.” It is used to refer to any one-of-a-kind physical or digital asset that is irreplaceable and cannot be duplicated or copied. They are stored on the blockchain, where they can be easily verified and purchased from an NFT marketplace, if desired.

The blockchain is a distributed digitized ledger of transactions that spans the whole network of computer systems connected for decentralization. The value of NFTs stems from their rarity, unlike bitcoins or physical currency, which are fungible and may be easily exchanged. 


To understand what is so exciting about the RAM NFT is to understand the value of NFTs and what RAM NFTs are doing differently. NFTs have come to revolutionize the way transactions are made between two parties. 

For instance, only one person can own an NFT at a time, and if the value of the NFT increases, so does that person’s earning potential. For NFTs to increase in value, they need to appeal enough to buyers via their message, purpose, or any utility they may bring. 

Many minted NFT collections have failed because there are no utilities offered. Many creators work hard every day to offer value to potential customers by attaching utilities, but many fail to meet this goal. This is why the RAM NFTs are simply the best out there today.

The first interesting thing about the RAM NFTs is that they are backed by a credible team and weren’t created to make quick cash, pull millions of investors and drain all their money. The RAM NFTs were created by RiseAngle Inc., a credible name in the blockchain gaming industry. RiseAngle is the first gaming firm specializing in virtuous gaming, promoting non-violence and good morals. 

According to the team, immersive storytelling is still in its infancy, and new technologies such as blockchain, NFTs, and virtual reality have opened up a world of possibilities for creativity. RiseAngle has launched five games across six platforms, with over 300,000 installs. For RiseAngle, RAM NFTs create diverse opportunities in the ecosystem, including a chance for gamers to own in-game assets in the form of NFTs. 

RAM NFT Offerings

As the name implies, RiseAngle Membership NFTs are all about membership. The RAM NFT is a membership that gives its members access to a private community, unique NFT collections, and early access to partner NFT initiatives, among other benefits. 

There are several iterations of RAM NFT. In 2021, the RAM NFT-Gen 1 was introduced, and minting for RAM Gen 1 is now over. The only option to obtain a RAM Gen 1 is to purchase it from someone else on a secondary NFT marketplace. Then RAM Gen 2 was introduced in June 2022. The minting for RAM Gen 2 is also closed, and the only way to obtain a RAM Gen 2 is from the secondary marketplaces.  

The first RAM collection will be released in about a month after the primary RAM Gen 2 sale ended; currently announced to be in July 2022, and thereafter one collection per month is released.

Members who buy a RAM Gen 1 or RAM Gen 2 NFT receive amazing 2D and 3D artwork from RiseAngle or RiseAngle partners. These works of art may be used in RiseAngle’s World of Mazes NFT Games Metaverse or other RiseAngle and partner games.. 

Digital comic books are also available as part of the NFT collections. Members will gain exclusive access to digital comic books from the World of Mazes series as well as other titles from RiseAngle or RiseAngle partners. The possession of a RAM Gen 2 NFT also gives the owner access to NFTs that can be used in multi-platform contexts as well as NFTs that are interoperable with different metaverses.

The huge opportunity is how much value one can amass from playing on different platforms utilizing AR and VR. But to top it all off, RAM NFTs come with unique utilities. Some of them are utilities within:

  • The World of Mazes NFT Games Metaverse
  • Other RiseAngle games
  • RiseAngle partner games
  • Other Metaverse games


The RAM NFTs are the most savory NFTs to purchase this year, according to our research. The RAM NFT community, in addition to all of the unique offerings and utilities that come with them, is extremely supportive and loving, thriving primarily on the Discord and Twitter platforms. The mission of RiseAngle in virtuous gaming is understood by every member, and the community works together to promote these values and uphold a strong vision. It is impossible to make a mistake as a member of the community because there is adequate guidance and a sense of purpose, and one person’s victory is everyone’s victory.