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The Ultimate Benefits of In-Game Advertising

COVID-19 gave the mobile gaming industry a rapid boost. People were confined to their homes with lesser opportunities for leisure and fun, this is when they found an escape into mobile games. This not just motivated mobile game developers to develop innovative games but also motivated them to find new revenue streams. Thus, multiple mobile app monetization and mobile ad networks evolved to cater to modern-day needs.

It is not wrong that the mobile market today is one of the biggest advertising mediums. The world now finds digital marketing mediums more reliable and easily accessible in comparison to the traditional mediums. The demand for in-app advertising is rapidly increasing as more and more people are using smartphones. From attending online meetings, classes to finding leisure with social interactive platforms, people highly depend on this handy device. The number of smartphone users has surpassed 6.648 billion in 2022 globally.

With the growth in users, the demand for in-app and in-game advertising has also remarkably increased. Thus, many mobile ad networks are now facilitating in-app advertising for advertisers and publishers. Mobile ad networks act as a bridge between the mobile game publisher who wants to monetize and the advertisers who want to advertise. Where one side acts as the demand source, the other supplies quality ads with the help of a mobile ad network. Such platforms play a vital role in turning in-app advertising hassle-free and convenient.

In-game advertising is growing as fast as the mobile gaming industry itself. The mobile gaming market is forecast to grow to $272 Billion by 2030! Massive isn’t it? It surely is! More growth means more opportunities for mobile advertisers to advertise to a bigger user base with the help of top mobile ad networks. But why advertise in-game? Here are the benefits that you need to know…

Benefits of In-Game Advertising

Mobile game players are growing with every passing second. This clearly means more and more developments in gaming content and genres. But above all, the growth of the mobile gaming industry means more benefits of in-game advertising. Here is what you are missing out on…

Greater Reach

There are over 2.2 billion mobile gamers in the world which means that the potential of in-game advertising to target these multiplies each time they tend to play a new game. The more the number of daily active users who play a mobile game, means more and more reach for the advertiser. A considerable number play mobile games besides just teenagers or youngsters. Having these facts in hand, we can clearly say that in-game advertising can be used for targeting consumers of all types.

Adding to this, the mobile game audience consists of 51% females and 49% males from across the globe. This translates into in-game advertising’s greater potential of reaching out to all genders in no time. In-game advertising, if done right with the help of a mobile ad network, can be used to exceptionally grow brand awareness. Keeping this potential in mind, ConsoliAds Marketplace recently introduced Immersive Ads that seamlessly blend into the 2D and 3D game environment and leverage brand awareness.    

Targeting Options

The top mobile ad networks offer comprehensive in-game audience targeting options. Therefore, advertisers get to enjoy complete control to segregate their potential audience from between the inventory that is being offered. After all, the ad campaigns are not meant for all, right?

Advertisers forever need to narrow down their target audience to achieve better results. Mobile ad networks with the growth in demand and privacy policies are actively striving to develop in-app advertising solutions that target the best. In this regard, one of the best mobile ad networks has now launched Appographic targeting that filters out audiences based on behaviours and first-party data. By doing so, it not just targets the right potential audience but also boosts ROI at max.

Creative Approach towards Revenue Growth

In-game advertising is a diverse creative approach towards revenue growth. If done right, it is surely a win-win for both the mobile game publisher and advertiser. But how?

A mobile game publisher can easily monetize by enabling in-game advertising in his or her game. By placing ads and optimizing placements, a game publisher can gain revenue against the impressions that each ad generates. To do this even better, monetization should not negatively impact the user experience. Thus one must always use non-intrusive ad formats to monetize effectively.

On the other hand, advertisers need to pick the best ad formats for efficient user engagement, conversions and acquisitions. The more creative an ad, the better and faster it engages with the target audience.

Boosts In-App Purchases

In-game advertising works great to boost in-app purchases. The ads repeatedly display the latest offers and features that motivate game players to make in-app purchases. Users get to learn about new offers and this increases the chances of it being availed or purchased. Hence, the publisher enjoys both opportunities.

In-game advertising has crazy potential to bring revenue for in-game publishers and advertisers together.  So, what are you waiting for? Begin in-game advertising now!