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The Ultimate Guide: Studying Online Alongside Your Job!

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When you think about studying, you often have a classic picture in mind: a large campus, breaks in the cafeteria and full lecture halls. Maybe you feel the same way. However, not least since the global pandemic, the trend has been moving away from face-to-face studies: Many experts are of the opinion that the future lies in online studies.


In the past few years, the number of digital courses on offer has increased steadily. This is a great opportunity, especially for those who are already working or already have a family. Courses with large practical components such as medicine or art cannot be completed online, but subjects with an economic and technical focus such as business administration or business informatics are particularly suitable. The opportunity to study online – regularly enrolled at a university – now opens up completely new doors for personal training or further education!

Further training is the trend

Standing in the supermarket with a virtual shopping list on your smartphone, transferring money with a click, controlling your own home completely using smart home technologies – no question about it, digitization has brought about a fundamental change in our everyday lives. Even the medical interview tutors are available to help you out, visit here for more detail.

So it’s no wonder that studying is also moving with the times and that there are more and more opportunities to train yourself virtually on the Internet and to obtain a degree via distance learning. The trend shows that every year more students choose to study digitally online, and the trend is rising.

The target group for online studies

But for whom are the digital training courses actually so interesting? For new high school graduates? Not excluded, but they are not the main target audience. Online courses appeal much more to those who are already working! And, for anyone in search of a career in emergency life saving interventions (such as such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, how to work an automated external defibrillator, and how to respond when a person is choking), you can enroll in a BLS course.

Whether you are looking for a job after your training or a trainee position in your preferred company after completing your bachelor’s degree, it pays off for many graduates to start the job straight away. Because financial security and practical work experience are often not part of everyday life, especially for students in traditional face-to-face courses.

Even at school it is said: You will learn all your life, not just until you graduate from school. While this is often still difficult to imagine for children, lifelong learning becomes more and more a matter of course with increasing age. It’s about not losing touch with your job, staying up to date yourself, or acquiring the necessary skills for the next step on the career ladder. Do you want to develop yourself further in your job? Then it is important not to stand still in terms of knowledge.

Nicole, for example, decided to study online at Medic Mind – with a job and family.

“Since it runs online and I can divide my time completely freely, it has been working reasonably well and successfully for the last five semesters. I would say I could never have done that with face-to-face studies.”

In parallel to her studies, Nicole works as a video mixer / editor for NDR and appreciates the exchange with her team at work as well as with her fellow students, with whom she is well networked.

Online studies: no walk in the park, but still great!

Is studying online a walk in the park? Rather not. But it’s still worth it if you’re really up for it!

According to Forbes, 72 percent of people in the under 35 age group would like to continue their education. Cramming for this in your free time, on the weekend or maybe even on vacation? No problem at all for many. This willingness is a great advantage, because a modern, part-time online course is designed for this. You study exactly the way that best suits you and your own needs – no matter where, no matter when. If you’re interested in learning more about advancing your career through online studies, you can find out more at

The advantages of digital further education

Studying online has a wide variety of advantages, the biggest one being obvious: flexibility. Because no matter what your life looks like, a digital degree is precisely designed to be combined with all eventualities.

  • Do you only have time to train yourself on the weekend?
  • Do you commute every day and want to use the time to study?
  • Or did you just have offspring and now it’s about balancing family, job and further education?

Online courses offer far more independence and space for individual needs than traditional face-to-face courses.

If you like to get up early and study Monday morning before work, you can do that just as well as those who tend to postpone studying to the evening or the weekend. Whether at your desk at home, in your favorite café around the corner or on the beach – where there is internet access, you can also learn there.

The main thing is that the required workload is achieved. But there are also flexible solutions for this, because online courses, such as on-campus, can be completed either as full-time or individual part-time courses.

Another important benefit of studying digitally is financial security. This is still guaranteed with an online course of study, after all, the job will continue as normal. As a result, the usual lifestyle is maintained, which is an important aspect for many working people.

So you can calmly say goodbye to the thought of annoying studio jobs and countless flat-share castings in search of the cheapest room. With your job, you finance further training and everything that is important to you in everyday life – whether it’s a cool apartment, an expensive hobby or the next generation. Because, especially if you already have a family, full-time face-to-face study is often impossible due to the financial loss.

In addition to the many advantages of an online course of study, one thing is still clear: Part-time further training is not something that can be done on its own. Because anyone who has been working in a responsible position for years, has just had their first child or is planning to build a house, usually faces completely different challenges than young high school graduates who are starting their first degree. In addition, there is more anonymity when studying online than on the classic campus.

“I think the most important thing is to bring in a bit of continuity. I looked for a study group right away when I welcomed the first semester”, explains Niels, a former online student at Medic Mind. In the first semester, he agreed fixed times for studying with his two fellow students. Why? In addition to the intrinsic motivation that he brought with him to study online, Niels was also motivated by the fact that his fellow students relied on his support in preparing for exams.

In general, you don’t need to worry about being completely on your own when studying online. The exchange with others is important in online studies, that is clear to the developers of the degree programs. That is why there are many opportunities to establish and maintain contact with fellow students or professors via modern communication channels – whether via chat, phone call or video meeting.

Reaching your goal with self-discipline

Perhaps the greatest challenges of studying online are the necessary self-discipline and good time management. Because without set course times and with an already full working week, it can quickly happen that your own bastard gets in the way if you should actually still sit at your desk after a whole working day.

An experience that many distance students have in the course of their online studies – but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing:

“Yes, that’s the substance, but what you want and what you have to … it’s like that with me, I wanted that from the beginning! And if you really want something yourself and really accelerate yourself, then it doesn’t matter whether you lie in the sun on the beach for three weeks or whether you prefer to say that I take three weeks a year and then learn”, says Niels, for whom the right time management during studies was the be-all and end-all in order to achieve his goals.

Those who stay at it despite the additional time involved and complete their studies will be rewarded for their ambition – and not just with an academic degree, which is mostly internationally recognized. Many employers appreciate the desire for targeted further training and often support their employees with their projects.

Because one thing is clear: in the end, both benefit from the specialist knowledge, provided that the employee remains in the company. For those who decide to pursue further training, the focus is of course on personal development. Because the degree not only looks good on your résumé, it also opens up completely new career opportunities.

Those who have successfully completed an online course of study either get new opportunities for promotion in the previous company or take their knowledge with them to their new job. Because in addition to the technical know-how that students acquire in online studies, self-discipline, commitment, resilience and perseverance are perfect soft skills to convince at the next job interview.

The online study via on-campus

The increasing popularity of digital studies has led to a wide range of online degree programs. While some distance schools rely on courses that take place 100% online, others offer a combination of online and face-to-face times, with the lion’s share of the course being completed digitally.

This is also the case with the courses offered via on-campus: Here, depending on the subject, you can enroll at one of 9 partner universities and study online, for example at the Kiel University of Applied Sciences, the California University of Applied Sciences, Minnesota University of Applied Sciences or the Frankfurt School of Applied Sciences. Most of the courses take place on the online learning platform, where students can access the content at any time and regardless of location and exchange ideas with lecturers and fellow students. In addition, every semester there is an attendance phase and exams that are written on site at one of the partner universities. 

If you study at one of the partner universities via on-campus, you can use all the advantages of digital learning: flexibility, individual time management and study duration, compatibility with work and family. The learning content is simple, understandable and clearly presented, instead of boring scripts there are animations, videos, tests or quizzes. The multimedia content stays in your head much easier and ensures that learning is fun – because that is the best prerequisite for your own motivation.

Also helpful? The courses are based on practical requirements, so the content can be optimally transferred to everyday working life. Those who receive further training in the industry in which they already work can benefit from their expanded specialist knowledge from day one.

When deciding on a subject, interested parties are spoiled for choice: on-campus offers a wide variety of online bachelor and master degree programs, including, for example, the master’s degree in business administration and business informatics. In most subjects there is then also the opportunity to specialize in a targeted manner.