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Timecard Calculator – Quick and Easy for Time and Attendance Tracking

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Time and attendance tracking for your workers may be a challenging and time-consuming chore, particularly if you’ve not already updated to a computerized timesheet system. By coordinating people, procedures, and technology, automatic attendance management systems generate real-time performance data. Installing a timecard calculator system often results in an 80% decrease in manual input, a 3% reduction in overall payroll (labor expense), and the insight to create good workforce managerial decisions.

When considering a time and punctuality system, “time” involves the collection, computation, reporting, and interoperability of all employee compensation data, whereas “attendance” refers to the monitoring of infractions and breaks to include a fair, unbiased, and homogeneous application of your attached schedule. The phrases listed below will help you understand exactly what “Time and Accountability” is or how employing an automated system may save your firm time and money.

A good Attendance management solution will give you depth, adaptability, and value in the following categories:

Data Collection:

The capability to directly connect with employees to obtain raw time, leaves, and labor data using any survey strategy acceptable for your personnel. Biometrics, online, badge scanners, telephone (IVR), and Computers are all data collecting techniques. These solutions will immediately transmit data to your timesheet software. By appropriately capturing time and attendance information from the start, your firm will experience an improvement and efficiencies in downstream operations.

Exempt Time Collection

It offers a solution for non-hourly workers while still allowing paid individuals to choose an alternative way of time accounting. Other time accounting systems include Honor Time Reporting, which records simply the hours worked by the employee, and Positive Time Recording, which tracks time for program management reasons.

Time Accounting 

A Timecard calculator is used to apply your criteria to the raw data obtained, including overtime, premiums, rounding, and labor allocation. Reliable attendance management systems will be able to adjust the system as needed to accommodate increasingly complex pay requirements.

Labor Distribution  

Timecard calculator tracks hours of work by region, division, branch, cost center, job, position, program, or any other designation. Because most time and attendance programs only have one basic formula to compute hours for a particular cost center, they are still unable to calculate complicated rules including the management of an employee who’s working on two projects and tasks.


It enables a user-friendly approach for scheduling both work and vacation time. The solution should include group calendars, individual schedules, rotating plans, and customer schedules. Your bottom line is dependent on your employees’ timetables aligning with organizational goals, and your time tracking system may assist in maximizing this labor potential.


It provides reliable, real-time data to relevant decision-makers. Few timesheet systems provide Push Technology, which ensures that chosen reports are instantly delivered to your inbox. You’ll also want the flexibility to tailor regular reports to your individual needs.

Leave Tracking

Compute, display, and monitor all sorts of leave, including sick, holidays, PTO, FMLA, and every other kind of leave. Leave tracking should be integrated with the worker schedule, kinds of changes, and your current HR or payroll systems. Leave tracking is a crucial component of an employee self-service system that allows employees to submit requests directly to the manager for approval.

Attendance Tracking 

Establishes an attendance record calendar with many years of data for every employee and prevents partiality by implementing the foundation’s attendance record in a fair, non-biased method. Absenteeism, tardiness, arriving early, late withdrawal, extended breaks, lunches, and other attendance activities that may be essential to your business are all tracked through a timecard calculator, generally known as Exception Reporting. Furthermore, this data may be automatically preserved to assist with compliance challenges connected to increasingly tighter rules.


Time and attendance records should be able to connect with programs such as Payroll, ERP, and HRIS through XML, ASCII files, or database integration.

Workflow feature of timecard calculator

This feature makes use of your approved structure to enable logical incident routing and alerts through e-mail or other messaging. Computerized duration and attendance solutions in the timecard calculator may reduce paperwork, shorten approval times, and streamline the overall workflow process.


This technique, also defined as SaaS (Software as a Service, a step up from the popularly known ASP hosting), gives all of the advantages of a time and attendance scheme even without IT necessities for the dataset, server hardware, system software, backups, information security, system management, system updates, and patches. A sophisticated attendance management system may be set up without the need for any software to be installed on your staff workstations or network.

Timecard calculator has the opportunity to profoundly enhance staff efficiency and profitability. It will take time to research the best platform for your company’s needs, but understanding what features are available will allow you to make the correct pick.