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Tips and Tricks: How to Increase Your Website Ranking in SERPs

Ranking high on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) is a make-or-break situation for businesses and agencies. Organic traffic might account for the majority of a company’s leads. A high SERP result increases the possibility of gaining new clients, while a low ranking can require the use of paid ads.

However, improving your SERP ranking is much easier said than done. With over a billion websites fighting for the top ranks, if you want to increase your SERP rankings, you must follow the rules. And there are a lot of rules.

Having a good online presence is vital for both businesses and individuals. This post will give you useful ideas and tips for improving your website’s ranking in search engines.

Different Ways to Increase Your Website’s Ranking

Audit of a Website

The first key to success is to evaluate your website. An SEO website audit is a comprehensive examination of your website’s health. It demonstrates your website’s strengths and weaknesses. What you’re doing well and where you need to improve

To fully appreciate the value of a site audit, you must first grasp how search engines work. Everything begins with a crawler, or a Google bot, crawling every page of every website. Then, your website’s content and everything on it are indexed using the search engine’s algorithm.

There are around 24 million e-commerce sites in the world, and the number is growing every day. It indicates that the market is competitive and that more individuals are purchasing online.

The auditing procedure will look for flaws that violate search engine rules. It will then generate the report and data required to develop an effective strategy.

Research Keywords

Keyword research is extremely important in the world of marketing. If you already work in this field, you’ve most likely encountered this previously. Always conduct keyword research before writing content. To determine how much traffic specific phrases receive and how much competition there is to rank for them.

Concentrate on keywords that are relevant to your business and incorporate them into your article. From landing pages to individual blog entries, we’ve got you covered. You should try to establish a solid foundation by using important keywords. Keyword research and integration are critical. After all, this is how Google determines which pages to recommend when a user enters a specific phrase.

Create Unique content.


Writing high-quality content that provides people with useful information is a wonderful way to improve your ranking. The aim here is to enhance SERP ranks by offering your readers useful, in-depth, and valuable information.

One of the most difficult challenges for content writers who want to advance is the ability to publish original content. Regardless of how proficient you are at writing, duplicate content is certain to occur in your work at some point. Writers frequently get this wrong, and they accidentally wind up replicating the main ideas of other authors.

Be mindful of the pitfalls that can arise as a result of plagiarism. To avoid plagiarism, use a paraphrasing tool to reword someone else’s content.

Identify Search intent.

On the internet, there are four kinds of search intent: commercial, informative, navigational, and transactional. When creating a new blog, enter your term into Google and see what results you get.

A separate article layout will operate depending on the search intent for a certain keyword. Based on search intent, Google cultivates the top-ranked articles for each page. If people are looking for information, Google will never promote a company’s homepage. Always match your writing style to the keyword’s stated intent.

Optimize Meta Tags

When Google first discovers a page, it reads the meta descriptions and meta titles. This is also what people will see when they search on Google. Use best practices for both meta descriptions and titles when creating your metadata.

Include your targeted keyword in the meta description and keep it between 155 and 160 characters. Include your keyword in the meta title and keep it between 50 and 60 characters long.

Media and images should be optimized.

It’s usually a good idea to integrate media into your articles, both for SERP rankings and readability. However, in addition to uploading media, you must ensure that it is optimized. This is actually very simple, especially for photographs. When optimizing media and images, use a checklist to ensure that the following critical parameters are met:

  • Include the desired term in the file’s name.
  • Image sizes should be kept to roughly 600 pixels wide.
  • If images are too large, compress them.
  • For improved accessibility, include ALT text.
  • Make a caption for the photo.

Upgrade Your Content

Upgrading content over time is an excellent method to improve SERP ranking. The update not only adds new content to the page, but it also shows Google that it has up-to-date information.

Information fades quickly, especially in our digital age. If Google notices that you are adding and revising your content over time, you will see a green tick next to your name.

We recommend updating brand content at least every six months. As a result, your content will be as current as possible. Remember, you don’t have to start from scratch. Just a few changes or another paragraph here and there will make a huge difference.

Improve the User interface.

Your website is the online representation of your company. It should be supported by an effective user interface. This entails creating a design that is user-friendly, responsive, and visually appealing.

If first impressions are everything, you want your website to impress your visitors right away. Whether it’s a website for a medical, legal, or SAAS company, the colour schemes, graphics, symbols, and buttons should all be consistent.

Conduct your own research. Visit your favourite websites and take note of what you enjoy about them. Consider whether you can reproduce the same user interface for your company.

Improve Site Speed

Everyone desires a website that loads quickly. You don’t want a potential client to leave your site because the content failed to load.

Check the performance of your website with Pagespeed Insights. You can also help the pages load faster by lowering the size of your images.

Use internal links.

Internal linking is somewhat unusual because it can be used both on and off-page. Internal links are used to connect distinct posts that you’ve written. This assists search engines in understanding how all of your content relates to and links to one another. Creating a network of links across your material is a terrific way to give your site a general structure.

It’s always a good idea to browse over your page and add a variety of internal links before pressing publish. While these are not exactly backlinks, they do fall into link-related SEO techniques. A well-structured website will have a considerably higher domain authority rating than one that lacks this element.

Wrapping Up

Increasing your website’s ranking in SERPs requires a combination of planned strategies and consistent effort. You may increase your website’s visibility and attract more organic visitors. By understanding SEO principles, conducting keyword research, optimising on-page features, developing high-quality content, improving the user experience, and staying up to speed with SEO trends.