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Tips for Determining the Source’s Academicity and Reliability

When writing scholarly papers such as essays and research papers, prior papers and scholarly literature are indispensable, but when searching for them, it is important to find a reliable source. These sources come in a variety of forms, including newspapers, books, periodicals (journals / magazines), and websites, some of which are public and some of which are professional.

How do you assess the authenticity and credibility of information when performing a literature search? This article will show you how to identify the authoritative “academic” information you need to write your assignments, dissertations and research papers.

Tips for using “general” information

Newspapers and magazines are considered “general” information. These are pieces of information written for a wide audience and written by professional writers (such as journalists who are not necessarily topic experts) in general terms using general terms. The information is not written in a specific format and is rarely referenced.

Books and journals, on the other hand, are considered “scholarly” publications. It is written by experts and researchers in depth on a particular subject and using technical terminology for specific groups of researchers, academics, students and professionals. They are written in a prescribed format, and include figures and tables and previous papers as reference materials.

Although “general” information is not without its benefits and may contain useful information that has been written with deliberation, the purpose of making this distinction is to rely on the reliability of the information. And to determine the author’s knowledge of a particular subject, ie the essential academic value. There is no problem relying on reliable general information, depending on the needs of the ongoing project.

Tips for referring to “academic” information

“Academic” information can be paraphrased as “specialized” information, “peer-reviewed” information, “judged” information, and so on. It is this information that researchers rely on. This scholarly information will be introduced in three categories: journals, books, and online. But we will only discuss journal on this occasion. For most students, writing a journal is a difficult activity, and if you are one of them, this paper help discount code might be useful.


Articles published in journals have the following characteristics:

Author: The dissertation contains information such as the author’s name, background, affiliation, address, and email address. Ensure that the author or responsible author is an expert in the field, belong to a trusted organization / academic institution / university, have experience publishing in peer-reviewed journals and books, and make sure they are cited.

Publisher: The publisher is typically an academic publisher, university, research organization, professional agency, or governmental agency conducting research.

The journal website contains basic information such as the names of the members of the editorial board and the editor-in-chief.

When assessing journal reliability, keep the following in mind:

Make sure your website has contact information and information about your magazine. You may have affiliations with research institutions and academic societies, so find out about them on the Internet and get more information. Learn more about the type of peer review, policies, licenses, and copyrights you’ve adopted.

Make sure your journal website is up-to-date and your links are working. Check that the website is not part of any for-profit, political party, or organization with specific intent, and if so, be aware that the information on the website may be biased.

Guidelines for authors: Make sure that the type of paper you are publishing and the guidelines for creating papers, charts, and supporting materials are clearly stated on the website.

Journal metrics: Some journals use a number of indicators, such as Eigenfactor, SCImago Journal Rank, CiteScore, and SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per paper), to show their reputation.

Index: Make sure that the journal that published your paper is in a trusted database such as Clarivate Analytics, MEDLINE / PubMed, Scopus, EBSCO, PsycINFO, IEEE Explore, SciELO, and CiteSeer X.

We hope this guide can be useful.