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Tokenized Minigames: The Newest NFT Craze

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Have you heard of tokenized minigames? If not, you’re missing out on the newest craze in the world of NFTs. Tokenized minigames are short, interactive games that are contained within an NFT. According to Web3 marketing agencies, these games offer a unique user experience and novel token mechanics that make them stand out from other NFTs.

What Are Tokenized Minigames?

Tokenized minigames are a new type of NFT that combines gaming and blockchain technology. They are characterized by their short runtime and simple mechanics, making them easy to play and understand. These games can be standalone or part of a larger game, but they always come with a unique token that represents ownership.

The Potential of Tokenized Minigames

Tokenized minigames have the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry. They offer a new way for gamers to interact with their favorite games and earn rewards for their achievements. With tokenized minigames, players can own a piece of the game they love and even trade it on the blockchain.

Moreover, tokenized minigames have opened up new opportunities for game developers to monetize their creations. By creating unique tokens for each game, developers can sell these tokens as NFTs and earn revenue from every sale.

Notable Examples

One notable example of tokenized minigames is ArcadeNFT. This project offers a collection of interactive NFTs that center around novel token mechanics and user experience. Each playable arcade game comes with its own unique token that represents ownership.

Another example is MiT Mini NFT Games, which are mini-games made in HTML5 web format and implemented within NFT games using Unreal 3D – Game Tokenization Services.


Tokenized minigames are the newest craze in the world of NFTs, offering a unique user experience and novel token mechanics that make them stand out from other types of NFTs. With their potential to revolutionize the gaming industry, we can expect to see more developers creating these types of games in the future.

Do you have an NFT project that you want to promote? Fracas Digital can help. As UK’s leading Web3 marketing agency, we have the experience and knowledge to help you get your project off the ground. Get in touch for a free consultation today! Contact us to get started.