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Top 10 Early Brain Development Activities for Children – Preschool Guide

Brain development is perhaps the most essential aspect during the early stages of childhood. Any issues or defects sustained in childhood can affect a person through their life. As a parent, you must ensure that your child engages in all the activities that contribute to brain growth and development. The play school activities like reciting poems, reading stories, playing with other children help the growth process. So, you must enroll your child in the right preschool. 

The preschool centre must have teachers that engage your child in brain development activities. In this article, we will learn some of the insightful brain development activities for children! 

What are the signs of a well-developed brain in a child?

A child who has a well-developed brain does not feel awkward or shy while interacting with other children. They do not fear objects, toys, and animals. They have a strong sense of smell and identify different types of tastes. A well-developed child does not face issues while lacing up the shoes, running, and speaking. So, if you encounter any issues early on, you should work on them and ensure an overall development of your child’s mental strength and agility. 

Activities for early brain development 

These activities can accelerate the process of brain development in children:

  • Narrating stories 

Narrate fascinating stories to your child during bedtime. It will develop their creative imagination and lead to faster brain development. As you narrate stories, talk about different places, people, and situations. It will improve the overall development of your child’s brain. 

As children continue to grow, encourage them to read different types of books. Ask them to narrate the stories they might have read or heard somewhere. These activities will not only develop their brain but also improve their confidence and public-speaking skills. 

  • Let them explore the surroundings 

Take your children to different places and locations. You can take them to parks, hill stations, zoological parks, beaches, malls, and many more places. Also, allow them to explore new places and situations by themselves. For instance, allow them to pluck a fruit from the garden and taste it. It develops their sense of touch, smell, and taste. 

Let them feel the texture of trees, bridges, walls, and people. It will help them understand the difference between hot, cold, and normal surfaces. It will help them control their behaviour and reaction in different situations. 

  • Dancing and Singing

Children like to dance and sing. So, allowing them to dance on their favourite music track or songs can develop their brain. Music calms their mind whereas dancing helps them shed inhibitions. They learn to express themselves through nursery rhymes and songs.

It is recommended that you participate in dancing and singing with your child. It will encourage them to participate in singing and dancing competitions in their preschool. 

  • Encourage self-dependence 

The children who are too much dependent on their parents develop their brain slowly as compared to others. So, you must allow your children to handle all their things by themselves.

For instance, organizing toys and keeping them back to the place where they were kept earlier can help them become independent. Also, ask them to eat their food, dress-up, bathe, and do other activities by themselves. 

Let them figure out how to brush teeth, comb hair, and wear shoes. These activities lead to a faster development of their cognitive and motor skills. 

  • Painting 

Engage your child in drawing and painting. Ask them to draw people, fruits, vegetables, and different objects. It will develop their sense of shape and also build their coordination and motor skills. 

  • Clay moulding

Playing with clay, mud, and sand also develops the coordination and motor skills of the children. Bring building blocks, slot insert toys, and clay sets to facilitate faster growth of their brain. Ask them to mould clay into snakes, pots, and different shapes. All these activities will help your child to grow faster. 

  • Generate Curiosity 

Building curiosity in children from a young age is essential. It helps them in knowing and analysing different objects and situations. For that, you can encourage them to ask questions whenever they feel curious or puzzled. 

For instance, if they see a bird or animal they haven’t seen before, they will ask about them to their parents, teachers, or friends. It will imbibe inquisitiveness in their behaviour. Also, as they get answers to their questions, they will become more aware and knowledgeable. 

  • Memory games 

Engross your children in activities that build their memory. For instance, you can show them flags of different countries. Once they start associating the flags with their respective countries, it will improve their memory. 

  • Scrabble 

Games like scrabble improve the vocabulary of your child. Start with simple words and eventually ask them to complete longer words. Online scrabble games are easily available on the internet. 

  • Play outdoor games 

Outdoor games are the best for the overall brain development of your child. It instils compassion, team bonding, communication, and other skills. Also, the children learn to overcome difficult situations as they engage in different outdoor sports. 

These were the top 10 early brain development activities for children. Though these activities seem to be simple, they play a crucial role in your child’s overall development. Also, if you are looking for the best play school in Bangalore,  you must enrol your child who ensures the engaging children in different brain development activities.