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Top 5 Artificial Intelligence Degrees to Earn in 2024

Learning Artificial Intelligence has grown beyond just a fad curriculum nowadays. Realizing early in your student life that your future lies in Artificial Intelligence is a great way to pave the way ahead. Not just that, heading into an informed decision is the core requisite for a lasting career in AI.

The Artificial Intelligence industry stands at a value of USD 150.2 billion presently; which is stipulated to reach an all-time high of USD 1345.2 billion by 2030 (excerpts from MarketsandMarkets). This showcases a swelling industry trend of 36.8% CAGR between 2023-2030. This is a clear indication that the role of AI-trained professionals is going to surge in the future, far and beyond. Adding to the perks, July 2023 statistics from Glassdoor reflect an average annual salary for AI engineers of USD 160,725 in the USA. It is time to make the big move with the right credential choice today.

Thereby, understanding the pulse of the AI industry is the nerve-bending role played by a certified Artificial Intelligence engineer. Getting your hands on some of the best AI ML certification courses from around the world is a hard nut to crack. This is why we bring to you a comprehensive list of renowned universities around the world, offering the top-rated degree courses in AI:


Developed and taught by top industry leaders and top AI leaders Andrew Ng and Christopher Manning; this university degree course is a combination of top AI programming languages as well as cutting-edge AI ML tools such as Robotics, deep and reinforcement learning, computer vision, data mining, and NLP. It is designed for working professionals with a strong technical background in AI.


It is an interdisciplinary program that aims at enabling aspirants to turn large and complex data into actionable insights. It involves teaching and research from various faculties and institutes, including the Department of Computer Science as well.


An AI aspirant can build a flourishing career in AI with this Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from Illinois tech university. master the vitals of AI, ML, deep learning, computer vision, NLP, probabilistic reasoning, and data analytics on the degree. 


As a sub-degree of computer science, a Master’s degree at the University of Southern California is a unique blend of disciplines. It is inclusive of ML, statistics, computer vision, NLP, and robotics, via attending a one-on-one tutorial as well as group electives.


Looking at an evening, part-time, online, or hybrid study pattern; the University of Michigan has a program for all. Its courseware is inclusive of computer vision, intelligent interaction, ML, knowledge management, and reasoning. It allows for a wide range of specialization courses to specialize in highly advanced skills.

No doubt, Chat GPT and AI have become the backbone of diversified industries far and wide. Having talked about the top-rated AI ML certification degree courses from internationally renowned universities, it is time to understand the key tips that would help in selecting the best suited for you:

  • Identify your career goals
  • Evaluate your skill sets
  • Degree/Course content
  • Instructor expertise
  • Course format
  • Hands-on experience
  • Course duration
  • Cost of the degree
  • Degree reviews

Although, there are several credible universities across the globe providing you with the best of AI degree courses and credentials. One of the most trusted names in the field of AI certificate providers has been the United States Artificial Intelligence Institute (USAII®) among many others. They have a steadfast history of success in providing the best AI ML certification courses for aspirants worldwide. They offer a graded range of AI courses targeting different skill sets to achieve. Their renowned AI certificate programs CAIE™, CAIC™, CAIS™ and CAITL™ are designed in such a manner that assists in building the requisite skills for becoming an Artificial Intelligence Engineer, AI Consultant, Artificial Intelligence Scientist and AI Transformation Leader respectively. With every program, you gain mastery of preferred industry-specific skills at your own pace, in order to land a rewarding AI role. 


Moreover, learning Artificial Intelligence is a lucrative career move. Arming yourself with the best AI credentials and AI programming languages is the key to building a thriving career in AI. Trust only the most-trusted names in the field of AI credentials providers. Begin your journey into a rewarding world of AI with the best today!