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Top 5 Websites Where You Can Learn Programming in 2022

Considering how integral technology and the internet have become to today’s society, it’s no wonder why fields like programming and web or software app development have become so popular and in demand. 

In fact, these fields have become lucrative careers, and you’ll find numerous opportunities when you’re a skilled programmer or developer. However, you’ll need to be well-versed in everything related to programming, including its various languages.

The good news is that you can learn everything you need online, thanks to the extensive library of resources the internet offers. There are many websites that you can use to learn coding and other related fields, and they cater to students of all skill levels.

With that said, if you’re interested in learning about programming, you might want to check out these five sites and see which one best suits your needs.

1. Codecademy

Codecademy is one of the more well-established sites out there that you can use to study programming. They have an extensive selection of online courses that cater to individuals of all skill levels.

So, whether you’re a beginner learning how to code from scratch or a seasoned veteran who’s looking to brush up on their knowledge, Codecademy can be the ideal choice. 

Some of their online courses are even available for free, which makes them more accessible to those who are on a tight budget. They also teach a wide variety of programming languages, such as PHP, Java, Python, and more.

Their platform is compatible with almost any device you own, whether it’s a Windows PC, an Android device, or an iOS one. Every course comes with more or less 50 lessons, and they also have helpful quizzes that can test how well you retained what you’ve learned.

2. Treehouse

If you’re looking for something that can teach you the skills needed for a specific project, Treehouse can be the ideal resource for you. Instead of covering a broad range of topics, their courses are geared more towards developing particular skills to help students tackle a specific project.

Their courses cover almost all the available programming languages, including popular ones like Ruby, Python, and Java. Aside from that, they also have over 1,000 videos covering a broad range of topics, including coding, web design, among many others.

Treehouse courses also come with helpful quizzes and various interactive challenges that can help you absorb the information more easily.

Lastly, what’s notable about Treehouse’s resources is that they’re regularly updated so that students like you are always aware of what’s happening in the industry. 

3. The Odin Project

The world of programming can be a bit daunting for beginners, which can deter them from availing themselves of the sometimes-costly online courses. In this case, the Odin Project is an excellent way for them to explore the world of web development without spending a fortune to do so since the courses are all free.

Aside from the lack of fees, the Odin project is also excellent because it sets an established learning path for students to follow. Doing so ensures that they cover all the basics of web development, making it ideal for beginners with little to no knowledge of programming.

The platform also helps students apply what they’ve learned through various projects that they can use as part of their portfolio later on. 

4. GeeksforGeeks

GeeksforGeeks is an excellent online resource if you’re looking for different learning materials when learning about programming. Their platform hosts an extensive selection of well-written pieces about programming and computer science.

Each one explains the different concepts involved in programming in a unique way. What’s even more remarkable is that all the writers aren’t just knowledgeable about the topics they discuss, but they’re also experts in the field.

The platform also has various quizzes and other interactive materials to make learning more enjoyable. For those on a tight budget, GeeksforGeeks’ resources are all available for free, so you can learn more about the trade without breaking the bank.

5. FreeCodeCamp

Last is Free Code Camp, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing an extensive library of valuable online resources students can use to learn more about programming. 

They publish a vast selection of online articles and helpful guides, along with other learning materials, to help students better grasp various programming concepts. They also offer various project-based and practical assignments that will allow you to hone your skills in programming.

Free Code Camp’s resources are geared more towards individuals with prior knowledge of the basics, so it might not be as helpful if you’re only starting to explore this field.

The immense popularity of the internet and its incorporation into our daily lives has made programming an enticing field to enter. However, you will need to hone your skills as a programmer and developer before you can maximize the opportunities available.

Fortunately, you can now find numerous online resources, such as the ones mentioned on this list, that help you learn more about it and develop the necessary skills.