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Top 6 Benefits of Using Work Order Management Software

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Every business processes work orders—maintenance tasks delegated to a person or team. Depending on its size, an organization could get hundreds of work orders per week. 

This is why the global market for work order management software was valued at $358.2 million in 2017, and is expected to reach $649.6 million by 2023, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.9%.

In this article, we’ll go over what work order management software is and the top six benefits of using it in your organization. 

Let’s get started!

What Is Work Order Management Software?

Work order management software helps you submit, track, prioritize, and complete work orders. With it, you can monitor a work order’s status and share it with others. 

There are many different work order management software options out there these days, but what they all have in common is their ability to streamline work order operations. 

Here are the top six benefits of using work order management software:

  • Have a centralized cloud location for all work orders

Work order management software gives you a central platform to manage all your work orders. It keeps everything in one place to help ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

It also keeps everything digitized. No more paperwork and paper trails. You can save the paper (and the environment), and trust that everything is safely stored in the cloud.

  • Simplify work order submissions

Maintenance issues rarely present themselves at opportune times. Often, they appear when your employees are in the middle of work. 

But with the right work order management software, employees can quickly submit tickets, which are then automatically forwarded to the appropriate team, whether that’s IT, building facilities, or another department.

The ticket submission process is made simple and easy for everyone involved. 

  • Complete work orders faster

When employees can easily submit work order tickets, it reduces delays and issues get fixed faster. 

Plus, when a company uses work order submission software, it’s easier to submit tickets for preventative maintenance via inspections and safety checks, which can uncover issues that would lead to bigger problems if left unattended. 

The faster you get to something, the less potential damage later down the road.

  • Automate work order updates

Another benefit of using work order submission software is the ability to automatically enter and share work order updates.

For example, when a technician is working on an IT issue, they can enter updates into the work order management software via a device (e.g. a smartphone or a tablet) so that other employees can have real-time status updates. 

This reduces double entries and boosts productivity overall. 

  • Leverage work order data with analytics

By having a central platform to track work orders, you gain a wealth of data that can be leveraged via anlytics.

For example, you can measure work order response times, repair costs, and more. This may help you better budget by helping you forecast future costs and reduce unnecessary work order interruptions.

  • Lower operational costs

Lastly, using work order management software can help you lower your operational costs. By coordinating work orders digitally, you can reduce business downtime, technicians can save on travel costs, and your business can operate faster overall. 

Though work order management software may have some upfront costs, it will pay for itself in the long run.

Adding it all up

Ultimately, every business is different, and you will need to evaluate your business’s current needs and priorities. But between the faster response times, lower operational costs, and other benefits, it’s hard to go wrong with the right work order management software solution. 

Shop around for a work order management software online and compare prices, ratings, and reviews. Then choose the one that will best suit your needs.