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Top 6 Benefits of WebAR over Conventional AR for Brands and Agencies

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You know technology will be impactful when changing different aspects of your life. AR is one such technology. However, most AR experiences require you to download or purchase specialized apps, software, or equipment, which can limit their accessibility and reach. But that is changing with the advent of WebAR. It is unique from traditional AR because it doesn’t require the user to download or purchase anything. You can simply access a URL and enjoy the AR content on their devices.

It can benefit brands looking to expand their product and services through AR. Still, the complex technology needed to do that must be more expensive and resource-extensive to deploy. In this article, our goal is to understand some of the significant benefits that any business can gain with WebAR, but let’s know what WebAR is in a better way.

What is WebAR?

WebAR technology allows users to access augmented reality (AR) content in a web browser without any app or equipment. AR is an immersive tech that allows you to create a digital iteration of physical objects around us, such as photos, places, things, and more. It is unique from traditional AR because it doesn’t require users to download an application to view it. 

It works smoothly with the help of world-standard web technologies such as HTML5, Web Audio, WebGL, and WebRTC2. These technologies enable the web browser to recognize and display AR content in the real world using the device’s camera, sensors, and screen. Users can simply visit a website or follow a link containing WebAR content and instantly experience it on their devices. While these products are much easier to use and implement, they cost much less than standard AR applications that require massive processing and computation power on your device.

Top 6 benefits of WebAR over conventional AR

WebAR has many advantages over conventional AR for brands and agencies who want to create engaging and immersive digital experiences for their customers. Here are some of the top benefits of WebAR:

1. Easy to create and share

WebAR can be created and edited using a visual drag-and-drop editor without coding or programming skills. AR platforms such as PlugXR creator provide tools and templates to help users design and publish their projects for various purposes. It is not limited to a particular type of creation; one can create and model content such as 2D and 3D graphics, animation, sound, and interactivity easily.

You don’t need any unique device or platform to access WebAR-based applications and products. You don’t need to download any app or scan any QR code to access the AR content. One can simply click on a link or type in a URL in their browser and instantly experience the AR content. This makes WebAR more convenient and accessible than conventional AR.

2. Low cost and high ROI

WebAR can save brands and agencies time and money compared to conventional AR. WebAR development on a no-code platform like PlugXR doesn’t require app development or maintenance costs, which can be expensive and time-consuming. WebAR also requires no special hardware or equipment, which can be costly and cumbersome. It can run on most browsers and devices, making it more affordable and scalable than conventional AR.

It can also generate high returns on investment (ROI) for brands and agencies who use it for marketing, e-commerce, education, and other purposes. WebAR can increase brand awareness, customer engagement, conversion, retention, and loyalty by providing users with memorable and interactive experiences that don’t require them to use a specific app or platform to take a view of the product. Apart from that, it can also provide valuable data and analytics on user behavior, preferences, and feedback, which can help brands and agencies optimize their strategies and improve their performance.

3. No app fatigue or friction

One of the biggest challenges of conventional AR is app fatigue or friction. App fatigue refers to users losing interest in downloading or using apps due to their device’s limited storage space, battery life, or data usage. This is common with most users nowadays, and brands who want to succeed have to bypass this to strengthen their user base. App friction refers to the barriers or obstacles preventing users from accessing or enjoying an app, such as long loading times, complex registration processes, or poor user interfaces.

WebAR eliminates app fatigue and friction by allowing users to access AR content without app installation or registration. One can simply visit a website or follow a link and experience the AR content immediately without hassle or delay. This reduces the drop-off rate and increases the retention rate of users who interact with WebAR content.

4. Cross-platform compatibility

Another challenge of conventional AR is cross-platform compatibility. Cross-platform compatibility refers to the ability of an app or software to run on different devices or operating systems without any errors or glitches. However, not every device or browser supports conventional AR features such as sensors, cameras, or WebGL. This means that some users may be unable to access or enjoy specific AR experiences due to technical limitations.

WebAR solves this problem by being cross-platform compatible.  It can be easily optimized for any device or browser that supports some basic specifications required to run the program in browsers. These are standard web technologies widely adopted by most modern devices and browsers in the contemporary era. It is simple and easy to access a furniture store through your smartphone. This means WebAR can reach a larger and more diverse audience than conventional AR.

5. Enhanced user experience

AR technology aims to bring its users close to the physical experience but through digital means. However, conventional AR may only sometimes achieve this goal due to poor quality, low interactivity, or limited functionality. For example, some traditional AR apps may have low-resolution graphics, slow animations, or limited features that may not meet the expectations or needs of users.

WebAR can provide a better user experience than conventional AR by leveraging the power and potential of the web. WebAR can offer high-quality graphics, smooth animations, and rich features to create more realistic and immersive AR experiences. It also provides more functionality and flexibility than conventional AR by allowing users to interact with the AR content in various ways, such as tapping, swiping, pinching, rotating, or speaking.

6. Innovative and creative possibilities

WebAR can also offer more innovative and creative possibilities than conventional AR for brands and agencies who want to stand out from the competition and impress their customers. It can enable brands and agencies to create unique and original AR experiences that showcase their products, services, stories, or messages in new and exciting ways. Every brand and agency wants to stand out, and WebAR provides that chance to them in this new era of business.


WebAR technology allows users to access AR content in a web browser without any app or equipment. It has many benefits over conventional AR for brands and agencies who want to create engaging and immersive digital experiences for their customers. WebAR is the future of AR and the web, a technology brands and agencies should pay attention to and take advantage of. 

If you go with the recent trends, people like to buy and shop from the vicinity of their homes instead of going from shop to shop while looking for any product or service that they need, which gave rise to E-commerce platforms worldwide. Now, brands have great opportunities to provide the best resources to experience the product at home, and AR adoption is critical. WebAR can help you quickly get there even if your business is small and cannot spend enormous resources like big corporations. So, look no further, start adding WebAR magic to your business with a cutting edge augmented reality platform like PlugXR.