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Top 7 Beginner Freelance Writing Jobs from Home

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The transition from the office to work might be hard for any writer, but there are 7 directions one can start with.

Working remotely is a great opportunity to be flexible location-wise and still gain valuable experience and financial independence. Many professionals who used to work in the office are making their moves towards working from home and winning a few extra hours to spend with family or for one’s personal business endeavors. But where to start if the freelance path is something you’ve never been on? To answer this, we’ve prepared a list with 7 most wanted beginner writing jobs one can do from home, and before we do that, let’s review what may be the hardest part on your way.

Per Aspera Ad Freelance

Sure, working from home sounds tempting but let’s not forget the existence of the darker sides of the matter. Being a freelance writer does differ from being employed by the company in so many ways, so before you flip the switch, read the most common issues you might face in the beginning.

You’re responsible for your workload and your income. This is one of the most crucial challenges of being a freelance writer. There is no fixed income + bonuses, no stable amount being deposited to your bank account every month. On the brighter note, it will make you be more focused, plan well, and work to meeting your financial goals.

You won’t get as many credits. The truth is that the majority of freelance writing is anonymous though well-paid adventure until you make your name in the market.

High competition. This is important to remember that you’re not alone in the hunting for a convenient working condition from home and judging from the UpWork Financial Report of 2018, it will only continue growing, and the writing segment is not an exception.

You’ll also be responsible for procuring the tools and resources needed for your job. You’ll need to secure a good-quality desktop computer or laptop and have a strong internet connection to meet any requirements a freelance job may set. The internet and energy cost will be on you, too, since you’ll likely be working from home.

The good news here is that you can overcome these problems by creating a great strategy, constant learning, and working hard. That’s where you can interact, collaborate and plan for the future.

The next part brings you the options you have as a freelance writer.

1. Academic Writer

Comparatively to any other writing job, this one can be the easiest one as you have to deal with the university content or admission writing. While the first option will refresh your knowledge on the issues and will educate you for free, the latter one has a bit more responsibility and requires more preparation and skills. There are always people who want to enroll in the universities, so you have a lot of jobs for grant writers on the market.

2. SEO copywriter

This is not just writing texts, this type of work is about creating great pieces for both humans and search engines, and it takes more than simply wording. First, before offering business SEO services, you should know a bit of coding, literature, marketing, psychology, IT and market you’re creating for at the same time. Yes, nobody said this gonna be easy but you know what’s the best part? You can easily learn it online at your own pace. Better yet, there are a lot of workshops, conferences, and video materials on the web to make you a pro in SEO writing.

3. Blogger

You can have a dubious feeling whether this is a profession, but what if we tell you this one is among the easiest to get and the highest-paid writing vacancies right now? And this is definitely not only the travel blogging or food tourism thing – there is a great demand in bloggers in the IT, HR, and service design industry. Plus, establishing your name on the blogging arena will pay back shortly: not only you’ll be able to charge higher rates for what you do, but you can also choose several related fields to write about as an expert and charge commissions for promotional writing.

4. Journalist

Yes, you can be a journalist and work from home as a journalist is not only somebody who does the reporting thing or hosts a TV show – this is a person who works on covering a particular topic in detail or conducts interviews or process data on this or that problem. Even though it’s great to have a degree in journalism, in the contemporary media world your social media presence could be of greater importance. What you need to do is to follow the journalism principles and serve the facts only.

5. Content writer

By content, we meant any text one can come across the web on the websites: site description, marketing copy, press releases, news, emails, social media publications and much more. Because more and more enterprises undergo rapid digitalization, they are in need for the writers who’d deliver original, interesting, catchy content to connect their service/products with the right customers and turn the latter into the loyal ones. Where you can search for an option? At your local business, on websites like UpWork or via friends. Once you’ve got a reputation of a pro, the people you’ve worked with will refer to those who’ll be in need of your services.

Optionally, if you’re a ghostwriter and wondering how to get paid to write short stories, you could sign up to become a ghostwriter through a professional publishing company that cares about content. They provide thorough and realistic outlines. Character motivations are believable and logical, and fun to develop.

6. Reviewer

It can be a movie, concert, art event, or literally any event that you’ll be writing about so those who haven’t been at the event got the full picture and had a desire to attend the next one in person. Each of the review types has its own peculiarities, but if you’re good at describing events in an interesting way without spoiling them too much, then this work will be perfect to start your writing journey with.

7. Fiction Writer

There is no writer who doesn’t dream about being as famous as J.K. Rowling or Dan Brown but for their own works. And if this is your case, we have great news: there are a lot of publishing houses (printed or online) who are in search of writers, and they will pay for the writing. It might be seen as the least realistic option with lot of problems, but once signed your first contract with the publishing house, you’ll get paid for your own work that won’t be anonymous. And this is what can really make a difference.