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Top 7 Benefits of Cloud Video Surveillance Systems

Cloud video surveillance is a system wherein your surveillance footage is stored, processed and managed in the cloud and delivered to you as a service through the Internet. Cloud video surveillance systems have become widely popular as a crime prevention tool and businesses are starting to see widespread adoption thanks to benefits like proactive monitoring, health observation, safety protocols, false claims and fraud protection, and more. The market for global video surveillance system is expected to reach USD 90.37 billion by 2026 at a predicted CAGR of 9.31% in the five-year period from 2021.

Cloud-based video surveillance provides more security for your business as it allows you to be instantly become context aware. Many informed parties confirm a causal link between the reduction in burglaries and the rampant rise in use of fairly advanced surveillance systems. IT support Los Angeles has a wide array of plug and play options for cloud surveillance systems. 

Cloud based video surveillance work methodology

Traditional CCTV equipment tends to make use of onsite recorders, such as, DVR or NVR to store footage. Physical maintenance and upkeep of such systems can be complicated and businesses, especially those present in multiple sites, cn run into large costs. Thee can also be compromised easily through malicious actors or just natural elements, and footage can even be lost through accidental overwriting etc. 

How does cloud based video surveillance work?

Cloud-based video surveillance works through CCTV systems/footage in the cloud, i.e., the cloud acts like a remote server for all the footage. With the files stored digitally, chances of corruption/ deletion become minimized, and parsing through them for information or insights become much easier. This information can be relayed back lightning fast to users through the Internet whenever they need it. 

Top 7 Benefits of Cloud based Video Surveillance:

  • More Storage – Cloud storage for video surveillance essentially eliminates long-standing storage problems for owners who needed to wipe drives clean regularly for continuous use. Cloud-based video surveillance systems are capable of storing important information and data for as long as you need to keep them. 
  • Increased cyber security – Cloud video surveillance ensures industry-leading protection for surveillance data both at rest and in transit. These systems don’t depend on port forwarding, which eliminates an important vector of threats. Hardware-dependent surveillance generally requires significant capital expense and still gets outdated within a few months or years of deployment. On the other hand, service providers tirelessly work on patching vulnerabilities and improving defenses to offer better service to consumers and continuously update cloud-based systems. Cloud video surveillance often makes use of financial data protection standards to encrypt data, such as, 256-bit encryption for storage and encrypted TLS (HTTPS) channels for transmission. Read more about industry leading cloud surveillance at Cloud computing Los Angeles. 

  • Resolution Improvement – Improvements in bandwidth of cloud-based video surveillance now allows for much better video resolutions. These improvements allow the systems to scale and adapt according to user demand. Better resolution obviously means that users will be able to zoom in and pick out minute details from the footage if necessary. With cloud services, security system owners may not even need to upgrade existing hardware to make use of the better resolutions.
  • Safer Data Backup 
    • Reduced risk of data loss – Risk of data loss is minimized in cloud systems through automatic off-site data backup. This essentially means that your data will be safe even if your camera is damaged or suffers a malfunction. These systems also offer a degree of on-site storage as backup for Internet failure or malfunction, so you have multiple layers of coverage. If on-site storage is compromised through theft etc., you can always fall back on the guaranteed accessibility of cloud storage.

    • Centralized remote access to all footage – The chief selling point of cloud video surveillance is its ultra-convenience. Gone are the days of slow replays over low-tech DVR systems. With cloud-based video surveillance, users can watch live feeds and recorded video from their smartphone or tablets. Cloud ensures 24/7/365 on-demand access to all surveillance footage. This enables a degree of convenience for monitoring that simply wasn’t possible before. Playback is easy and often allowed in high-definition that makes the process less tedious and cumbersome for security personnel. Analyzing the data is easier than ever and users can even replay, share, or download relevant bits of footage right from the mobile app. 
  • Remote Maintenance – Cloud surveillance systems also affords a degree of ease in maintenance. Troubleshooting can be done remotely whenever required with much improved customer service and support. Since cloud surveillance is offered as a service and not a product, it’s in the company’s best interest to maintain a stellar record of customer service so user needs are attended to immediately. It’s also easier for cloud video surveillance companies to facilitate this as the need for on-site technicians or appointments is virtually removed. 
  • Updates and Upgrades on Regular Base – Needless to say, your surveillance system needs regular updates to keep performing at its best. With hardware, updates and upgrades are slow, expensive, and even technically tricky. Cloud system updates are seamless and happen without needing any involvement from users. With minimal hardware requirements, cloud solutions allow users to upgrade hardware and scale systems at their own pace without committing to immediate investments. This also reduces the complexity of security installations, allowing easier operations. 
  • Reduced Costs – Cloud security surveillance systems don’t just get rid of massive outlays in terms of hardware, they also prove much more cost-effective for your business operations in the long run. This also removes much of the necessary upfront expenditures, such as, labor costs for installation, maintenance, and on-going service fees. For further cost efficiencies, we recommend exploring routes to integrate fire systems with surveillance systems. Multi-site operations can do away with the need for on site servers and complicated system configurations. Reduced upfront and running costs and the ability to stay up-to-date without breaking the bank can prove a great boon for cost efficiencies in the long term. 

The future of CCTV surveillance lies with the cloud. It simply offers an unprecedented degree of improvement in all areas from increased security, reduced complexity, the ability to stay updated and run your security systems without major technical problems, and of course huge cost savings compared to traditional systems.   

If you are looking to add cloud to your security systems, you can learn more about cloud integration at Cloud hosting company DCG Technical Solutions, LLC.

About Brent:

Brent Whitfield is the CEO of DCG Technical Solutions LLC. DCG provides specialist advice and IT services Los Angeles area businesses need to remain competitive and productive while being sensitive to limited IT budgets.

Brent has been featured in Fast Company, CNBC, Network Computing, Reuters, and Yahoo Business. He also leads SMBTN – Los Angeles, a MSP peer group that focuses on continuing education for MSP’s and IT professionals. was recognized among the Top 10 Fastest Growing MSPs in North America by MSP mentor.