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Top 7 Professional Communication Skills to Improve and Become More Successful at Work with Placetochat

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Good communication skills are the foundation of a successful professional life. They help you put your thoughts forward, get along with your co-workers and work effectively, assist in efficiently accomplishing goals and chasing success, moving high up the career ladder. 

An individual with good communication skills is better at managing people and working coherently with the team. Proper communication allows individuals to trust and rely on other team members, leading to higher productivity and better performance at work. Proper communication boosts morale providing motivation and improved efficiency in the workplace. Ineffective communication gets any team to frustration and demotivation among coworkers. Therefore developing good communication skills is essential to be successful in the workplace. It is a must-have skill to manifold your chances of growth.

In today’s age of digitalization, there are international communication platforms like Placetochat which allow international chatting and casual communication for practicing your skills without leaving home. Interacting with other users from every nook and corner of the world about the topics of your interest helps drastically improve your communication skills. Placetochat is also quick and easy to access with its user-friendly interface.

Small steps in the direction of improving communication skills give a high return. Begin step by step, learning one communication skill after the other. We have compiled a list of seven professional communication skills to improve and become more successful at work.

Top 7 essential professional communication skills to get success at work:

1) Be an Active Listener

The primary skill for effective communication is to be an active listener. It’s only when you attentively listen that you are in a better position to respond effectively. Contributing positively to the conversation requires an essential first understanding of each other. Active listening involves asking relevant questions to comprehend the situation better. The communication skill you can begin with is to be an active listener.

2) Master Body Language

Even before you utter a word, your body language speaks volumes about you. Body language involves body posture, eye contact, voice tone, and hand gestures. Other people perceive you first from your body language. A balanced body posture and a friendly and calm voice tone with proper eye contact are required to project yourself as an active participant in the conversation. Truly efficient communication consists of essential non-verbal, or body language, along with oratory skills.

3) Confidence

A must-have communication skill is confidence. To gain confidence you should practice and change your mindset, along with some thought patterns. Confident conversation helps build trust and reliability in you. If you are confident speaking to people, they will believe in your abilities more. Thus, you will have a chance to perform better in a group, gaining trust and credibility. Making valid well-researched claims in the discussions radiates confidence from the individual, and they are taken seriously by others.

4) Express Thoughts Clearly

To carry out effective communication and clearly stating your thoughts, one should be concise with their wording. Talking too much adds to the confusion and disclarity, whereas conveying your message with a few meaningful words is relevant and understandable. If the person keeps rambling about the same thing again and again or loses track while speaking, it will make others turn disinterested. Thus to communicate effectively, it is an essential skill to express the message in as few clear words as possible.

5) Be Friendly 

Communication skills that make you approachable to the individuals and in tune with your colleagues, juniors, and seniors are your friendly behavior. It makes you approachable, and others can communicate easily with you. A warm smile, a personal query, and a friendly tone go a long way in engaging the person in honest and open communication. It helps communicating more efficiently with others while clearly expressing yourself. Being friendly helps individuals perform better and coordinate well in groups. It is essential to be friendly and polite in your workplace communication, be it oral or written. A friendly-natured person gets along in a team and works cohesively together to achieve goals. 

6) Be Respectful 

An individual who is respectful toward others and treats others with respect grows in their professional career. Other people will be more open to communicating ideas and thoughts with such individuals. One can show respect while communicating through various means like actively listening to the other individuals without being seemingly busy elsewhere, making proper eye contact, and showing interest in conversation. Those seemingly small efforts give exponential results in the long run. In written communication, while replying via email, it is essential to address an individual via proper salutation and make an effort to personalize the email.

7) Show Empathy and Open-mindedness

An individual needs to be empathetic to be able to listen to another person with an open mind and state relevant solutions. The person who is disinterested in listening to others and only tries to put forward their opinions is least respected in a group. It does not lead to fruitful conversation. Instead, open communication leads to an honest discussion among the individuals, which opens the doors to relevant solutions. Being empathetic helps individuals feel emotions of others and engage with them relevantly. It’s a communication skill that aids you to grow in your professional career with your ability to get along with others.

Build Proper Professional Communication Skills with Placetochat!

Building the communication skills one by one and applying them in your professional career helps you grow manifold. It aids in leveraging the opportunities and encashing them for scaling heights of the professional career. With international chatting websites like Placetochat practicing communication skills has become easy from the comfort of your home. 

Join Placetochat and build communication skills that help you climb the ladder of professional success!