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Top Dispensaries in Arizona

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Arizona legalized Cannabis a few years ago. Since then, dispensaries have popped up all over the state. If you live there and you are planning on taking up Cannabis for recreational or medicinal use, then the most important thing for you to consider is the dispensary that you shop with. Not all dispensaries are worth buying products from. In fact, some are downright awful. If you aren’t selective about where you buy your weed from, you could end up getting low-quality stuff.

This post will tell you how you can find the best dispensary in the state of Arizona. 

Exclusive Deals

Cannabis isn’t cheap. When you are looking for a dispensary to start shopping with, you should always be on the lookout for exclusive deals. According to one expert review, Harvest Hoc, an Arizonan dispensary, gives specials to new patients, veterans, seniors, and industry workers. If you do not qualify for any of these specials, then you still might be able to get a discount by shopping with them online, or with another dispensary. It’s a lot easier to access promotional deals online than in person. You may be able to get a coupon for signing up for your chosen dispensary’s email newsletter or could even ask them directly for a coupon code.

Product Selection

One of the most important things to consider when you are looking for a dispensary to shop with is the store’s product selection. There are many different Cannabis products that you can buy, besides just Cannabis flowers. A large product selection indicates that the dispensary cares about its customer’s shopping experience. It also gives you the opportunity to try out new products, like oils, vapes, and edibles.

Price Range

What’s your budget? Some dispensaries sell products that are very expensive. More often than not, this is because they are of a higher quality. However, if you are on a very tight budget and can’t afford to spend a fortune on Cannabis, then you should find a mid-level dispensary that offers good products, in your price range. You can check out a dispensary’s prices online. Shopping online is a lot easier, too. Most people do that rather than physically going into dispensaries. However, going into the dispensary you decide to shop with for your first few purchases is a good way of getting to know the staff. They may even be able to recommend a strain to you.

Cannabis Quality

The quality of the Cannabis offered by the dispensary that you choose to buy from is something else that deserves serious consideration. If the Cannabis isn’t high quality, then why buy it? As mentioned in the previous section though, extremely high-quality Cannabis is usually quite expensive. If you are on a tight budget then you should try to find a dispensary that offers mid-quality Cannabis, that’s still grown sustainably, and organically, and is still high in THC. Alternatively, you could just buy very high-quality Cannabis in smaller amounts from an expensive dispensary.

Organic Status

Do you really want to be consuming additives and pesticides when you are smoking your Cannabis? If the answer to that is no, then start shopping organically. Organic Cannabis is grown without these things. However, it’s a lot harder to grow and a lot more attractive to pests. Because of this, it is usually a lot more expensive. Organic Cannabis can be twice the cost of non-organic Cannabis. In spite of the cost, if you care about your health, then find a dispensary that offers organic products.

Dispensary Location

Some people buy their Cannabis over the counter. If you’re planning on buying it in person, then you need to find a dispensary that’s located near where you live, otherwise, you could have to travel a long distance to get it. As mentioned in this post’s introduction, dispensaries have popped up all over Arizona. You shouldn’t have a hard time finding one, to be honest. What you might have trouble finding is a good dispensary near you. Consider everything mentioned here so far to determine a dispensary’s quality. If you cannot find a good one, then buy online and get your Cannabis delivered to your house.

Inclusive Delivery

When buying online, it’s always a good idea to try and find a dispensary that offers inclusive delivery. If the dispensary you are shopping from is in your city, they may be able to offer same-day delivery. Same-day delivery does come with an added charge, however. Usually, you have to pay around $10-20 extra for same-day delivery. If you are getting next-day or standard delivery, however, then inclusive delivery is definitely something to look for. Inclusive delivery will help you to save money and will mean that you are able to spend more on Cannabis.

Online Reviews

A dispensary’s reviews always need to be looked at before you shop with them because they tell you what it’s actually like being their customer. Bear in mind it is possible for e-commerce sites to purchase fake reviews. Thankfully, fake reviews are usually relatively easy to spot. If the dispensary’s reviews all appear to be written in the same style (or are all overly positive) then it is an indication that they are fake. Another indicator of fake reviews is if they have all been posted back to back (as in, one after the other). Avoid reading testimonials on the dispensary’s actual site, too. The best reviews are those written by experts, on dedicated guide sites.

Digital Security

Lastly, if you plan on shopping online, then consider the site’s online security. Unfortunately, cybercrime is a big problem nowadays. Criminals often target dispensaries and try to intercept purchases, because Cannabis is big business. The site that you buy from should have an SSL certificate and should take your data privacy very seriously. Make sure that you read their data privacy policies before you buy anything from them. If you have any concerns, then reach out to them by email and ask them to explain how they process data in more detail.

Cannabis is a very popular drug, all over the United States. If you live in Arizona and plan on taking it up recreationally or medicinally, then find a good dispensary. This post’s advice will help you to do that.