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Top Employee Training Challenges Faced by L&D Professionals

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Over the past couple of years, companies and businesses have realized the importance of providing employees learning opportunities to advance in their career. Especially in these unprecedented times, it has been really beneficial to have a skilled workforce who is ready to deal with the challenges of working remotely.

On one side, it makes employees loyal towards the company when they see the employers investing in their growth. On the other side, it helps companies enjoy a good retention rate. In fact, this has given rise to a new work profile in the industry where companies hire L&D professionals to cater to the learning needs of their employees.

L&D professionals help businesses by understanding their needs and developing training programs that will help upskill their employees. These programs could be eLearning courses that employees can self-study, and sometimes taught by the L&D professionals.

Managing and delivering eLearning courses becomes very convenient for L&D professionals with the help of a Learning Management System (LMS). Being a centralized learning software, a LMS facilitates customized learning and helps in promoting social learning. When you also include ISO 9001 course into these training programs ensures that employees are not only acquiring skills relevant to their roles but also aligning their knowledge with international quality management standards, fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the organization.

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Despite its many benefits, employee training does come with its own set of challenges. We have gathered insight from some of the most accomplished L&D professionals in the industry and compiled a list of all the challenges faced by them. 

1) Learner engagement:

The biggest challenge L&D professionals overcome in the lack of employee engagement with the training content. This could be because the courses are structured poorly, or the content is not appealing.

To overcome this, it is crucial to develop courses keeping micro-learning concepts in mind. Training content divided into small modules focused on a single topic becomes easy to consume. Also, the power of eLearning authority tools be leveraged to develop visually appealing content that makes learning fun.

2) Diverse learning styles:

While the older generation still prefers the classroom style instructor-led training, the GenZ is more comfortable with digital learning solutions. With this, it becomes difficult to ensure everyone is able to grasp information well.

While it may become expensive to deliver training differently to different generations of employees, a good solution can be to adopt the blended learning approach. It gives learners the best of both worlds and is highly effective.

3) Employee schedules getting disturbed:

Employee training takes time, and they need to dedicate their full attention to be able to learn a new skill set through these training sessions. But how is that possible when employees have their plate full with work commitments while balancing their personal life too?

Employee training programs need to be flexible and well-planned to prevent employee burnout. Additionally, having mobile learning solutions will allow them to learn anywhere, at any time even if it is during their lunch break. 

4) Irrelevant and outdated content:

Information and learning scenarios that are relevant and relatable make learning more impactful. Unfortunately, training programs that are bought off the shelf get outdated over time. This leads to a drop in learner engagement as they don’t find the content relevant.

This can be changed by creating custom L&D programs. LMS tools make updating course content a piece of cake which fulfills the learning objectives and ensures course completion.

5) Scattered workforce:

Even before COVID19 enforced remote work, a lot of companies had teams dispersed across different geographical locations working together. This makes imparting training difficult and is prone to miscommunication.

This can be prevented by choosing an LMS with social learning tools. It will allow a scattered workforce to collaborate with each other and with instructors. Features like webinars, forums, instant messaging apps also provide room for discussion in case of any doubts.


Apart from the above mentioned points, L&D pros must also take feedback from employees to get insights on how the training program can be made more effective.