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Top Five Apps That Would Make Your Life Easier

Mobile apps are quite capable of helping you handle practically every aspect of your life. From calling to groceries, gaming, adventure, and much more – these can get your work done much faster, keeping all anxieties at bay. So here we bring you a quick list of five amazing apps that’ll make life easier for you:

1. Layout

Instagram as an app needs no introduction – but if you’re a fan of creating collages and need an app to simplify that task for you, try the Layout app introduced by Instagram. It helps you make quick and unique grids that you can use for the gram or share on any other social media app.

2. Jigsaw Puzzles

Not only productivity increasing or to-do list-making apps make life easy – gaming is as important as any other activity to give you a quick break from anything negative. Jigsaw puzzles by Easybrain, for that matter, is one of the best puzzle apps on the mobile game stores to help you ease everyday hassles and monotony. It offers more than 5,000 HD images from over 10+ categories with adjustable difficulty, hints, custom themes, and whatnot. Games are a great stress buster, and having these on your phone is a must, for when you’re feeling low, play a level, and the sense of achievement cheers you up.

3. Clue

For all the ladies out there, try this period tracking app for once, and you’ll not regret it. It comes with an attractive user interface, allows you to keep track of the dates and symptoms, and offers your cycles’ smart predictions. You can use tons of other features and confidently leave the management of this essential aspect of your life to technology.

4. TripIt

If not now, TripIt will come handy when traveling resumes like before. The app keeps track of all your traveling details like tickets, flight timings, and more. All you’ve to do is forward your travel emails to the app, and it organizes your travel into a practical and beautiful itinerary.

5. FoodSwitch USA

Now that we’ve covered gaming, entertainment, travel and health, time for food. FoodSwitch USA isn’t an app where you can order or find food. It, on the contrary, provides you information about your packaged food items. With its bar code scanner, you can get the ingredient and nutrition details of a particular item and help you choose the best for your body.

There are tons of other apps that make your life easy. But this list includes the most popular choices. We always prefer having a gaming app like Jigsaw Puzzles and Instagram Layout on our phone. Let us know in the comments below what are your go-to apps. We’d love to hear from you!