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Top Transactional Email API Service Providers

From signup confirmation to password reset emails, users and customers need to constantly communicate with any brand or business they deal with. Transactional emails help you send crucial and timely messages to your customers. They aren’t the most exciting emails but they are always expected and highly needed to provide a smooth and easy customer experience.

However, to do this effectively, you need an excellent transactional email API service provider regardless of the size of your business. But how do you choose the right provider for your business? 

This guide has all the answers you need, so read on to discover the top transactional email API service providers you can choose from.

Top Transactional Email API Service Providers 

Whether you are a small business owner or looking to expand, here are the top 3 transactional email API service providers that will suit your business needs and budget.  


Segnivo is one of the few email API service providers that stand out for its speedy email delivery and affordability. It offers various services, including email campaigns, transactional and marketing emails, automation, SMTP relays and email address verifications. 

It is very easy to navigate, even for beginners; the high-quality templates, lead forms, drag-and-drop editor, and excellent customer support provide its users with the best customer experience and make their email campaigns and strategies very effective.


  • Reliable and lightning-fast delivery.

  • Transparent pricing.

  • Very affordable. 

  • Custom templates.

  • Complete marketing suite.

  • Promotional and transactional emails never mix.


  • No free plan.


Segnivo currently has 4 plans; the first is the basic plan for $8 per month, which covers 10,000 sending credits (1 email to 1 contact). The second is the essential plan for $24 per month, which covers 40,000 emails. 

The professional plan costs $72 and provides up to 100,000 sending credits. The other 2 plans are more flexible. The pay-as-you-grow plan allows users to pay $0.00157 per sending credit with no monthly commitments, while the enterprise plan enables users to customise their plans according to their specific business needs. 


Sendgrid has been in the email marketing industry for a long time. Over the years, it has improved and expanded its services, including transactional email delivery and a host of email marketing tools. The platform offers delivery optimisation tools, detailed analytics and a dynamic template editor. 

In addition, since it became part of Twilio, it now provides a broader range of customer engagement tools, including WhatsApp and SMS.


  • Very easy to set up.

  • Drag-and-drop editor enables easy design and creation fo emails.

  • Excellent deliverability rate.

  • Affordable pricing.

  • A powerful all-in-one service.

  • There is a free plan.


  • Deliverability is sometimes mixed.

  • No dedicated IP for lower plans.


Sendgrid offers a free plan for 100 emails per day and an essential plan that starts at $19.95 per month for 100,000 emails. These plans do not have dedicated IPs, and some other vital features still need to be included as well. They have a better plan with all the features where 50,000 emails cost $89.95 per month. 

Sendgrid also offers a premier plan with all the features and the ability to customise the pricing according to your business needs.


MailChimp is one of the best email API service provider in the industry, but the standalone transactional email service is only available to existing customers as an add-on. So, if you are not already using Mailchimp, you can’t have the transactional email service alone as an add-on; you should choose from any of the first options in this guide. 

That notwithstanding, MailChimp is reliable and has various tools for a successful marketing campaign. 


  • Excellent deliverability.

  • Strong analytics.

  • A powerful all-in-one service.

  • Promotional and transactional emails never mix.


  • No email customisation options.

  • Transactional email services are only available for some users.


Mailchimp is offering a 25% discount for the first 1 year. After that, you will pay the normal price, which costs $20 per month for the standard plan and $350 per month for the premium plan. 

The first plan allows users to send up to 6,000 emails monthly, while the premium will enable users to send up to 150,000 emails monthly. They also have a free plan with very limited features that allows up to 1,000 emails a month and an essential plan that is also limited, but it costs $13 per month for 5,000 emails. 


Choosing the right transactional email API service provider can significantly enhance efficient communication with your customers. While there may be many options, Segnivo stands out with its seamless integration, user-friendly interface, detailed analytics and exceptional deliverability rates. 

Segnivo has a strong reputation for unparalleled industry performance and is suitable for businesses of all sizes. In addition, it has proven to be dedicated to security and compliance to protect your data. So if you are ready to improve your email communications, sign up with them for all your email needs. 


What are Transactional Emails?

Transactional emails are emails or messages sent to users in response to specific actions they take on a website or application. They contain specific information and are sent one at a time, depending on the user’s needs. These emails can be signup confirmation emails, welcome emails, password reset emails, order confirmation emails, etc. 

What are Transactional Email API Service Providers?

Transactional email API service providers are platforms that provide email APIs for developers. The APIs are integrated into applications and websites to allow users to interact with the service provider, making it possible to send, receive and track emails. 

Why Do I Need a Transactional Email API Service Provider?

If you need to send automated, transactional and bulk emails and prioritise cost and deliverability, then you need a transactional email API service provider. The emails will be sent when they are triggered, and your customers will get the information they need promptly to ensure a smooth user experience. In addition, this will significantly reduce your workload, and you can focus on other aspects of your business.