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Top YouTube Features You Should Try in 2022

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YouTube is one of the most visited video platforms on the internet. It contains many features such as YouTube TV, YouTube Music and YouTube Shorts among many more. Founded in 2005, YouTube started as a platform for original and shared video content. 

YouTubers such as Jawed Karim, Steve Chen and Cory Williams jumped on the bandwagon and contributed to its massive rise in popularity. Currently, YouTube hosts new and exciting features such as YouTube Smart TV, YouTube Shorts, Video Chapters and Follower Decided Content among many more for users, creators and businesses. Read below to learn more about these features and others you should try in 2022.

More Monetization Options

It’s not new that creators have the possibility to make money from YouTube videos, however, YouTube has recently introduced more monetization options for creators, further increasing the potential. It also introduced better features relating to how users create shorts, Live and VOD, and new video effects and editing tools.

YouTube’s new Shorts is a feature that allows you to create 15-second videos using music and other tools. According to YouTube, creators can use the same monetization setup for their short videos as they currently use for the longer ones.

YouTube on Smart TV

The video platform announced that it would roll out a new set of features to its mobile app and Smart TVs in 2022. This will enable viewers to comment, like, and perform other actions directly on their TV screens. The company said it’s also making it easier for users to navigate through YouTube via a new remote-control interface.

YouTube Live

Live Streams have become popular across various platforms. Creators use this opportunity to instantly engage with their audience for various reasons. Some use it as a live Q&A by using live ‘polls’, others use it to deliver important updates and some even use it to stream online games such as casino live games. There’s also the possibility to go live solely with your subscribers, creating a sense of exclusivity within the channel community. Clips are also available to be 60 seconds rather than 30, so creators can include more content in their videos. 

Follower Decided Content

While YouTube’s algorithm is excellent at showing you videos that you like, sometimes it’s nice to let your subscribers have a say in what you upload. In 2022, we will likely see more YouTubers experimenting with content crowdsourcing. This means that instead of making a video and hoping that people like it, YouTubers can ask their subscribers precisely what they want to see.

Introduction to YouTube ‘Video Chapters’

The new video chapters feature allows you to add timestamps to your videos, which show up as clickable links in the progress bar. Thus, making it easier for your viewers to skip through the video. When you add timestamps, they automatically convert into clickable chapter markers visible in the progress bar. Moreover, when hovering over time stamp on the desktop.


The changes to YouTube outlined here may change drastically before the end of the decade. However, if these developments occur, this will significantly shift from what YouTube was in 2011 or even in 2016. In 2022, YouTube could be a very different platform. And considering how many internet users turn to YouTube for accessibility and variety, that would suggest that the service’s transformation. Therefore, expect ramifications beyond its platform. It will be exciting to see what happens with these developments.