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Two of Cups Reversed Tarot Card

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There are many different interpretations of the Two of Cups reversed tarot card, but all agree that it is a sign of discord and disharmony. Some say that it indicates problems in a relationship, while others believe it suggests troubles with finance or work. No matter what the specific meaning may be in your particular situation, the Two of Cups reversed always signifies some sort of difficulty. If you are seeing this card in your readings, it is important to pay attention and take steps to remedy whatever is causing the trouble. Also check out roll a die for your games. 

Fear of Vulnerability

One of the commonly attributed meanings for this card is trouble in a relationship. If you are seeking, or already have found someone and run into problems with the Two of Cups Reversed, it may be that you or your partner has started to feel too vulnerable in the relationship. Fear of vulnerability is a very natural instinct; when we feel like we’re losing control, our “fight-or-flight” impulses make us want to get away from the situation and find some distance. The problem is that when we do this, we close off our feelings and often push away the person we love. The Two of Cups reversed may indicate a fear of commitment and a desire to retreat from the relationship rather than confront any problems that might be developing.

A Disconnected Relationship

Another common interpretation for the Two of Cups reversed is a sort of disconnect between partners. This can happen when you have been in a relationship for a long time and feel as though you have grown apart. If you can no longer relate to your partner on a personal level, this discord will manifest in your relationship on an even greater scale. As with many things, this is an issue that will not be fixed overnight; it always takes willingness and commitment from both sides to work through these problems and get back on the same page.

A Shallow Connection


The Two of Cups reversed may also indicate a “shallow” connection between partners. If you have been spending a lot of time with someone and find yourself losing interest, this may be a sign that the relationship is only going to get worse. This card can also indicate a lack of compatibility and connection between partners; if you and your partner don’t have anything in common and do not grow together, you are likely headed for trouble.

Moving Forward

Whether it’s fear coming between you or a disconnect between partners, the meaning of the Two of Cups reversed is always important to take seriously. This card can be a warning sign that things will not get better on their own; if you want your relationship to work, you need to make changes and take steps in the right direction. If it’s fear or feeling out-of-sync that’s causing issues, it may be time to take a step back and reevaluate the relationship. Remember that communication is key; if your partner is the one with the problem, be sure that they know you are there for them and will work through things together. If it’s your fear keeping you from making a connection, remember to take things slowly and keep an open mind.

Affected by Stress


Often, the Two of Cups reversed can indicate that you are under a lot of stress. This is not an uncommon problem these days; it seems like everyone is busy and overwhelmed with responsibilities. If you find yourself feeling disconnected or uninterested in your partner, it could be because the stress of your everyday life is making it difficult for you to enjoy anything, even something as wonderful as a relationship. When things like this happen, try not to beat yourself up; just remember that everyone needs a break every once in a while. All you can do is try to relieve your stress and get back into the swing of things.

Final Overview


If you are worried that your relationship will end in heartbreak or that you may be losing interest, the Two of Cups reversed may signify these problems. This card can indicate a fear of commitment, a disconnect between partners, and stress that is affecting your relationship. Keep in mind that the Two of Cups reversed is a warning card; if you want your relationship to work, now is not the time to be passive or complacent.