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U.S. Set to See a Boom in iGaming Industry

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It has been understandable that many industries have struggled over the last 18 months. However, online industries have seen a rapid increase, and this is true of the iGaming industry, which is ready to see a rapid increase in potential in the upcoming year.

Online Casinos Loving the Opportunities

Millions of people have turned to online casinos as their source for playing their favorite casino style games. It is understandable that they would do so. While it initially may have had something to do with the state of the world, the truth is that so many have become accustomed to using their smartphones and other handheld devices that they are finding that there is far more enjoyment playing online then there is to go to the facility.

In response, online casino operators have been looking to do all they could to attract users to their sites. This has included offering special promotions, welcome bonuses, and other attractive offers to get people to sign up. It has also meant using iGaming SEO services and other similar products to attract customers by promoting their sites through the search engines.

Site operators have long recognized the need for search engine optimization to promote their business, and casinos are pushing using services like this to help make themselves even more attractive to users. A site that does not do its best to use SEO techniques is doomed to fail, and casino operators simply cannot afford any risk with so much investment on the line.

iGaming on the Rise in the U.S.

The iGaming industry was not seeing the kind of success they had been hoping for. That was until 2018, when the gambling industry saw a huge increase in opportunity. While many are attributing this to the pandemic, the truth is that the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized gambling across the country played an even bigger role.

This opened the door so that each individual state legislature could decide whether to offer online gambling within their state. More than two dozen states have already taken advantage of this, and it is expected to grow to a point where most, if not all the states in the union will soon offer some form of iGaming to people within their state borders.

According to Scott Manford, CEO of Wizard Slots, this has greatly changed the dynamic of the online casino industry in the United States. This is a big deal for casino operators, but for state legislatures as well, as Manford explains that “taxable revenue from virtual casinos could dwarf that of the sports wagering markets.”

This historic decision has already led to gambling being legally offered to more than half the country. Prior to this decision, it was estimated that $150 billion was spent on gambling illegally every year, but now most of that income will be spent in legal establishments, helping to improve the amount of revenue that states are taking in each year.

This is clearly proving to be a win-win for everyone, especially for the iGaming industry. It will not be long before every state has legalized these operations, and they will continuously be looking for online casinos that provide a safe, secure, and enjoyable experience for players. Regardless of what happens with concerns related to a pandemic, you can be sure that this industry is set to explode.