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Understanding How Getting a Divorce Can Impact Your Credit Score

Divorce brings changes and challenges to every family member and can cause both positive and negative impacts on their lives. To prevent any undesirable effects you have to discover what awaits you and your family even before you complete divorce forms in Texas. Start with taking a closer look at how marriage termination may affect your credit score and put in a decent effort to keep your economic balance and guarantee a safe future. 

Even if your divorce is over for now and your credit score is low, you can still save the situation by getting professional assistance and following useful strategies on taking yourself back on track. Discover more and succeed without any hurdles. 

How Marriage Termination Affects Your Credit Score

You can ask your family lawyer does divorce hurt your credit regarding your particular situation. But commonly, every other divorcee may expect a range of undesirable effects the end of their relationships may bring to their credit score and history. Check out some of them:

Joint Accounts Closure

When the marriage termination comes, partners usually select to close the accounts they once owned together and part their joint debts and assets. This makes it easier to manage money independently. Yet, account closure may produce a great impact on your credit situation. You will worsen your credit utilization ratio and credit history as a result. 

Late or Missed Payments

When you have payments to deal with together and the divorce arrives you often cannot avoid the ambiguity of how to manage the process. Eventually, it will lead to delayed and missed payments which can harm your credit score crucially. So when you wonder how does divorce affect your credit situation, check out how you can handle the joint payments even before the process begins so it doesn’t bring any negative aftermath in the end. 

Increased Debts

Suppose you had to cover some debts with your partner. But when the divorce comes, it may be only you left who has to deal with the payments. This will create an extra burden on your budget. And if you fail to cover it on time, your credit score will get damaged as a result. 

Divided Assets

Assets distribution both in your favor and vice versa can deliver damage to your credit situation as well. For example, when some property and investments are taken away from you, you lose from your personal budget and may be unable to cover some expenses on your own. But when you gain some new assets, you may ought to pay for acquiring new assets and property. In any case, you may take a loan to have new expenses covered which will bring new damage to your credit score. 

Anyway, to eliminate any harm to your credit history and rates, you should better consult your family attorney on what actions to apply to finalize your marriage beneficially and preserve your economic stability.


Factor Explanation
Joint accounts If you have joint accounts with your ex-spouse, you both share responsibility for making payments. If one of you fails to make payments, it could negatively impact both of your credit scores. Closing joint accounts and transferring balances to individual accounts can help protect your credit score.
Missed payments Going through a divorce can be a stressful time, and it’s not uncommon for people to miss payments during this period. Missed payments can have a significant impact on your credit score, so it’s important to stay on top of your payments.
Debt division If you and your ex-spouse had joint debt, such as a mortgage or car loan, you’ll need to come to an agreement on how to divide it. If your ex-spouse is responsible for paying off a joint debt, but fails to do so, it could negatively impact your credit score.
Spousal support If you’re required to pay spousal support, it could impact your ability to make payments on time, which could negatively impact your credit score.
Legal fees Divorce can be expensive, and legal fees can add up quickly. If you can’t pay your legal fees on time, it could negatively impact your credit score.


How to Replenish Your Credit Score After Divorce

If you fear your credit capability may suffer when the marriage termination arrives, look closer at some ideas on how to defend it and get a credit repair after divorce:

Gain a Credit Report

The initial step is to assess your situation by asking for a credit report. This way you will review your case for any inaccuracies and ambiguity. If you happen to face some you need to apply relevant actions to eliminate any undesirable issues. Plus, you will analyze and evaluate your current situation regarding your credit and bank issues. 

Place Your Name on the Credit Account

Suppose you once had joint credit accounts only, it is time to acquire your personal one. This implies you need to open a new credit account with your name on it and/or take a small loan so that you can place the payments without delays. This will enable you to create your own history and invest in your reputation. 

Pay Bills without Delays

Delays in payments are one of the greatest enemies of your trustworthy credit score. Get ensured you pay the bills and cover the necessary payments on time. If you are unsure you can remember all the payment duties and dates, you can simply set reminders or apply for your payments to be covered automatically. 

Keep Credit Utilization Low

Credit utilization stands for the amount of money you exploit each month compared to your total credit amount. Here your task is to exploit much less money than the maximum sum on your credit account and pay off everything on time. This way you won’t have to bother yourself with the ‘Does divorce hurt your credit?’ question since you have it all under control anyway. 

Don’t Open Many New Accounts

Although it is good if you manage to open a credit account in your own name, don’t overdo it by opening too many new accounts at once. Firstly, it can be treated as suspicious actions. Plus, every time you open a new credit account your credit score undergoes a temporary downfall which may go permanent if you fail to handle your credit account properly. 

Attain a Secured Credit Card


In some cases, you may have specific obstacles to qualifying for and getting a regular credit card. Then you can opt for a secured credit card. This implies you have to place a security deposit prior to opening an account. The card is designated to aid you to build your credit history with security guarantees for both you and a bank.

Reach for Professional Help

Like you need an experienced lawyer to manage your divorce successfully, expert help may be necessary to work on your credit score. Reach out to a financial advisor or credit counseling agency with relevant experience for professional assistance. This will allow you to avoid common mistakes and reach the best possible results for your specific case. 


Marriage termination usually has a negative impact on a person’s credit score. With joint accounts closed, payments covered late or failed, debts being amassed, and assets lost due to their division, the divorcee’s credit score may go down significantly. 

So when you discover how does divorce hurt your credit, you’d rather come up with a strategy to save a situation on your own or get a relevant specialist to help you out. Assess your situation, open a credit account in your own name, and work on it to keep your credit score high. If you put some effort and follow professional advice you will manage to get high credit rates without turbulence even after marriage termination.