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Using Micro-Influencers For Business Growth 

Every business struggle to find more customers since the market has become too competitive and saturated. If we talk about SEO, it consumes months to drive traffic while PPC costs a fortune and it’s not possible for an average marketer to do the job without hiring the in-house team. In case your brain is hinting at referrals, it’s not viable since it’s not available in a huge percentage. 

The ultimate reality is that the majority of marketing techniques demand months of pre-planning and efforts before it starts showing results. But hey, not every business has such time to wait, so what’s the ultimate and quick technique to use? Well, the simplest answer is micro-influencers. For those who don’t know, influencer marketing is the fastest way of driving higher sales. 

For instance, 17% of the companies tend to spend over 50% of their budget on influencers but big influencers charge a lot of money (not everyone can afford Kylie, right?). That being said, it’s better that we focus on micro-influencers and generate sales through them!

Micro-Influencers – What Are They?

It’s already evident that influencer marketing is booming; you turn your head and there is a new influencer on the block. This growth is extremely astounding and micro-influencers are a great way of building brands. With micro-influencers, the products are services are instantly promoted and deliver high conversion rates. Not to mention, it can earn you huge sales. 

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that nearly every brand and company is hiring micro-influencers. For those who don’t know, micro-influencers are the hyper-specific influencers with a low follower count but have a higher engagement rate. Generally, the influencers with less than 25,000 followers are defined as micro-influencers. Now, take a look at how your business can use these micro-influencers for business growth! 

  • Campaign-Focused Hashtags 

When it comes down to campaign-focused hashtags, they have become an essential way of spreading awareness about the brand and driving sales. This is because the micro-influencers have better chances of connecting with the brands. The ultimate technique is to connect with multiple micro-influencers rather than hiring one bigger influencer (it helps target different people at a time). 

  • Leveraging The User-Generated Content 

When it comes down to user-generated content, micro-influencers have a greater chance of leveraging such content. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that user-generated content can be the ace in the hole for the brand’s micro-influencer campaign. Also, it’s suggested to focus on connecting with the influencers who can create a trusting brand image for you. 

  • Sponsored Posts 

The sponsored posts tend to be like user-generated content but the only difference is that influencers have to post similar content on their account. As a result, these sponsored posts will increase the engagement rate and promise a higher brand vision. In addition, micro-influencers can create in-depth videos around the brand’s product and services for driving more sales. Not to forget, these posts can support the brand while providing higher traffic flow. However, for driving the right results, it’s important to create the correct strategy and can help with that!