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Ways To Protect Your Data Before Disaster Strikes

In the modern era, data is the most essential asset for all companies and businesses. In case your data gets stolen or leaked, it can cause irreparable damage and threaten your company. Unfortunately, we can take measures to protect our data but can never be too sure if our data is a hundred percent protected and safeguarded.

No matter whether a natural disaster strikes or a technical issue comes your way, you need to make sure that ample measures have been taken to protect your valuable data. Especially when it comes to businesses and companies, they cannot afford any sort of data related mishap. Whether it is the company’s personal profile, customer related information or employee data, all of these entities need to be secured.

Understanding Data Disasters:

There are a number of different ways through which you may end up losing or damaging your data. At times, a natural calamity hits which affects the data storage. For instance, if a fire takes over the building or floods hit the data storage space of a company, the damage would be done. Now it is up to the company to restore the data and mitigate the loss.

At times, data loss can also be associated with human errors. What if you accidentally hit the delete key and permanently lose an important file. It may seem unreal but the incidents of people spilling coffee or tea over their machines and causing data loss occur on a regular basis.

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However, at the same time, the company or business should also be prepared to deal with technical errors. What if the storage space is corrupted? Power outage causes a short circuit and you lose access to your precious data. People generally assume that such issues cannot affect cloud storage options but the risk of files corrupting and getting damaged remains a concern even when storing the data on a cloud based server.

Last but not the least, the chances of malware attacks and hacking attempts are also a concern that need to be taken into account. Someone from the organization may try to leak sensitive information or an unethical attack on your data resources may also cause you to face a data related disaster.

Preventive Measures To Deal With Data Disasters:

There are far too many ways in which one can find himself stuck in a situation where there is a risk for data and sensitive information to be compromised. Is there a permanent and a hundred percent reliable solution through which one can ensure the company never encounters a data disaster? NO. What to do then? They say “Prevention Is Better Than Cure” and this statement holds for data disasters as well. The efforts should be dedicated to taking preventive measures that can help reduce the chances of any sort of data theft, loss or corruption.

Here are ____ different ways through which one can make this possible:

1. Backup Your Data:

Enough stress cannot be laid on the need of data backups. It is a great practice to store data at more than one location. Fortunately, lots of cloud to cloud backup solutions allow you to do just that. It is a great practice to store data at more than one location. This way, even if one memory or storage option gets compromised or data is lost, one can always recover the valuable information from the other source. Data backup may seem to be a tedious and difficult job, but in reality, there are plenty of IT Services who would love to help you in this regard.

When planning data backup, it is recommended that you follow the 3-2-1 rule. According to this rule, every data entity should have three backups. These three backups should be stored on two separate locations and one of these locations should be offsite. This prepares one to deal with both natural as well as technical problems that may lead to a data disaster.

2. Use Antivirus And Antimalware Softwares:

Natural calamities are a cause of data theft and loss, but they are unprecedented. Most of the natural disasters are unseen and there is no way one can be fully prepared to be able to deal with them. But you can protect your data from unethical and unauthorized data access attempts. Make sure that your IT Support installs antivirus and antimalware software on all systems and computers that are used to access company data.

Installing the softwares is not enough. Train the employees to scan their computers on a regular basis. Make sure that there is a check on computer scans so the employees are held accountable and scan their computers responsibly.

3. Protect The Hardware:

As mentioned earlier, natural disasters and calamities are also a significant cause of data loss. Although, these situations cannot be predicted and one cannot prepare to be able to deal with them completely, there are some measures that can be taken in this regard. Make sure that you keep an eye on the power statistics for your office. This will help you keep an eye on any type of power fluctuation and reduce the risk of short circuits.

For protection against fires and floods etc. make use of protective cases that are specially built for this purpose. The hardware like servers and storage spaces can be enclosed in these cases so they can stay waterproof and fireproof. It is also advised that all electrical equipment and hardware devices are elevated from the ground and the cords are organized so the chances of overheating and sparks can be reduced as much as possible.


Data security and protection is a serious concern. And it should not be taken for granted at all. Prevention and taking measures to protect the data is the only wise approach in this regard. Start taking data protection seriously and ensure that you have protocols in place that protect and safeguard your data so any data disaster can be prevented.