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What Are The Different Types Of SEO In Digital Marketing?

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Search engine optimization is a much-heard term these days. In the world of rapid digital expansion, information on the web is growing fast. This information is available to us as websites. And the owners of these websites are fighting for greater reach and increased audience. SEO comes in right here. Search engine optimization is a process of increasing the ranking of your website on a Google search webpage. This process primarily involves the implementation of necessary keywords in the content of the website. However, SEO is often a lot more than just keywords and content. You can contact several services offering SEO in Brisbane for your website as well!

This article aims to educate you more about SEO and its processes. Here we will talk about seven variants of SEO as seen in the digital marketing of the present day. 

White-hat SEO

White-hat SEO techniques are the ones that follow Google’s search engine guidelines. They might take some time to show results, but they are safe and reliable techniques. Following white-hat SEO techniques builds a positive image around your brand. This process provides you with the security of rarely facing a ban in case of an algorithm change. These techniques include extensive keyword research and including relevant links in your content. Agencies providing SEO in Brisbane stick to this method. 

Black-hat SEO

As the name suggests, this SEO technique is the exact opposite of the previous. In Black-hat, we find loopholes in the algorithm to hack the search rankings and appear higher in the list. This technique does not follow the guidelines and resorts to more spammy methods. This is a significantly high-risk method that can earn you a blacklist on your site. These methods are best for the short term.

Grey-hat SEO

Grey-hat techniques come between white and black-hat. These techniques are popular with SEO agencies and come into use to show fast results. These methods are not explicitly prohibited, but using them can bring a negative light to your website. Several agencies provide SEO in Brisbane that strictly refrain from these practices. 

Negative SEO

This type of SEO is the most frowned upon in the world of digital marketing. This approach proceeds to make the reach of your competitors suffer so that you can reap your success from it. This process involves hacking into others’ websites and placing spam or malicious content in them to make their rankings drop. This is arguably the most unethical method of optimization. Employing this can attract legal consequences.

On-Page SEO

This method of optimization involves all the measures you take while building your website to offer the best content to your audience. This method of SEO requires a high degree of technical knowledge rooted in web development. It includes the inclusion of metatags in the right places to enable search bots to understand your content, using the right headings, and having a clean URL, etc. 

Tech SEO

Tech SEO or technical SEO largely involves the work you do on your source code to make your page more accessible to the Google bots. It involves XML sitemaps, mobile-friendly pages, and structured data to help the process of sorting and ranking your web page simpler.

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO includes all the activities you do outside of your website content to increase your reach. This part of SEO has a lot to do with promotions and social media marketing.


Now that you know about all these types of SEO out there, you can make better choices for your project or website. It is important to choose the right type to suit your needs. However, what is more important is to respect the guidelines and refrain from unethical practices.