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What are the Limitations of React in Frontend Web Development?

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If you are an enterprise thinking about front-end app development but need help with Angular vs React, you have come across the right post. While both Angular and React are powerful tools for frequent app development, as per the experts and industry leaders, Angular performs better than React. 

Apart from performance, many other reasons make Angular a suitable option for building enterprise-level web applications. The features of Angular include, but are not limited to two-way binding, templating, Ajaz handling, RESTful API, and dependency injection. Due to these key features, Angular makes web app development quite easier, compact, and more accessible.

Well, React is also popular because it indicates an easy-to-use interface. features like virtual DOM, and reusable, and comprehensive tools have made Reach the second most popular JavaScript framework among web developers in the year 2022. 

Although React is not an all-in-one framework, it is an open-source library that supports the UI of any web application. It can be excellent at building simple web applications, but when it comes to enterprise-level web applications, React is the best option. With React, you will need to use additional tips for building Models, APIs, Routing, Controllers, etc.

So, what are the limitations of React and why should you use Angular over React?

As enterprise applications are meant to be accessed by thousands of users who work across different locations, they’re quite complex and involve different components and tools. Using React to build such applications can not meet expectations in terms of high performance,  efficiency, and effectiveness. 

Every member including the CEO and the new employees use the same platform to carry out daily tasks associated with the business. Enterprise applications need to be simple to use, scalable, system-agnostic, and secure. React fails to meet such expectations due to the below-mentioned limitations:

It’s a Library, not a Framework: 

Unlike Angular, which is an open-source and full-fledged front-end JavaScript framework, React is an open-source library. It is a combination of tools that support only UI to build.   APIs (App Programming Interfaces), models and Controller, Routings, and other companies. Thus, it makes the process time-consuming and complex due to the lack of full-fledged complaints.

Frequent Upgrades:

One of the main limitations of React is faster and more frequent upgrades. The upgraded versions are commonly launched every couple of months, which means developers need to educate themselves about the latest technology. This may lead to unnecessary delays in software development processes and impact the time to market. 

Lacks the Complete Tooling Set:

As mentioned above, React does not have the entire toolset to accomplish enterprise software development projects. Developers need to use the tools, framework, and components that are available in another JavaScript library. Also, it requires compatibility testing for every tool to choose the suitable one. This also causes unnecessary delays and tedious tasks.

Lack of Detailed Documentation and Resources:

Due to frequent upgrades and constant evolution in the technology, React lacks detailed documentation and resources. It is an open-source library that enables any individual to get this access and create documents. When many users can create the documentation, it may be difficult to find and ensure quality work.

Mixed Logic with View:

In React, there is a mixed logic with a view, unlike separate component logic with a view available in Angular. This makes code readability quite difficult. This also raises the proximity of errors and bugs.

The Last Line

Being a decade-old JavaScript framework, Angular provides great benefits to building simple-to-use and interactive front-end web applications. Thus, when talking about the advantages of Angular over React, Angular comes as the reliable and suitable framework to be used for layered and complex applications in a hassle-free manner.