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What are the Principles of Interior Design?

The emphasis 

The emphasis is the focal point of the room. The focal point should be obvious when one enters the room; it is the area to which the eye is drawn. Whatever is presented as the center of interest – a fireplace, a work of art, or a window treatment hatching a beautiful view – must be sufficiently emphasized so that everything else leads to the area presented. Emphasis can be added to a natural focal point or one can be created in a room through the effective use of lines, shapes, colors, and textures. The Tulsa Architects are better known for creating a balance and a relaxing ambience through their designing.

The  organization of events  always begins with an idea, a proposal, someone’s need to organize an event or even with an obligation; and all this can  respond to the most varied circumstances.

Interior design principles

For the realization of an interior design project, whether from scratch or whether it is a modification or remodeling of a space, being one of the top 10 Interior Designers in Hyderabad, we have some theoretical tools that will help him in the conceptualization and development of his ideas. These theoretical concepts can be present from color, texture to the arrangement of furniture and accessories, for the design of the floor, walls, etc.

These design principles are: balance, rhythm, proportion, scale, harmony, and unity.

  • The balance

Visual balance in a room is called balance. Gives a sense of rest and a feeling of completion. A balanced room gives consideration to the placement of objects based on their visual weight. The elements of line, shape, color, and texture help determine an object’s visual weight, which is how much space it appears to take up. Balance also refers to how and where elements (line, shape, color, and texture) are placed within a room. To maintain balance, you should try to distribute the elements throughout the room.

  • The Formal balance, often called symmetrical balance, creates a mirror image effect.
  • The casual balance uses different objects of the same visual weight to create balance in a room. It is more subtle and spontaneous and gives a more warm and casual feeling.
  • The emphasis

The emphasis is the focal point of the room. The focal point should be obvious when one enters the room; it is the area to which the eye is drawn. Whatever is presented as the center of interest – a fireplace, a work of art, or a window treatment hatching a beautiful view – must be sufficiently emphasized so that everything else leads to the area presented. Emphasis can be added to a natural focal point or one can be created in a room through the effective use of lines, shapes, colors, and textures.

  • Rhythm

Rhythm provides the discipline that the eye controls as it moves around a room. Rhythm helps the eye to move easily from one object to another and creates a harmony that makes the eye distinguish a unified whole. Rhythm is created through the repetition of lines, shape, color, or texture. It can also be created through progression. The progressive rate is gradual increasing or decreasing in size, direction or color.

  • Proportion and scale

The size relationships in a room are defined by proportion and scale. Proportion refers to how the elements within an object relate to the object as a whole. Scale is related to the size of an object when compared to the size of the space in which it is located.

Scale is understood as the relationship between the proportions of the visual elements of a composition. All elements have the ability to modify and define each other according to the relationships that are defined between their analogous properties. Therefore, the concept of scale does not refer only to the relationship between sizes of two or more elements, but also to the relationship between colors, shapes, etc.

An element is large or small depending on the size of the elements that accompany it on stage. The color of a shape is bright or muted depending on the color of the background it is on. In other words, the properties of a visual element are not absolute, but relative, since they depend on those of the rest of the elements that accompany it in the composition.

There are different types of scale :

Intimate : man has a very close relationship, intimate towards the space or structure in which he is. Eg an elevator.

Normal : the structure has a certain standard height where you can be and feel comfortably, it is a wide space, eg. Houses, classrooms, etc.

Monumental : it is the relationship of a man referring to a higher structure such as buildings, shopping centers, etc.

  • Harmony and unity

A well-designed room is a unified whole that encompasses all other design elements and principles. Unity ensures a sense of order. There is a consistency of sizes and shapes, a harmony of color and pattern. The ultimate goal of decoration is to create a room with unity and harmony and a sense of rhythm. This is accomplished by repeating the elements, balancing the entire length of the room, and then adding a bit of variety so that the space has its own sense of personality. Too much unity can be boring, too much variety can cause a feeling of unease. Maneuvering the elements and principles to simply get the right mix is ​​a key to good design.

Along with these principles of interior design, a professional interior designers in Bangalore must take into account several aspects:

  • Needs and activities of the people who will occupy the space.
  • Circulation within the space.
  • Storage capacity made easy.
  • Safety.
  • Knowledge of the structure of the building, premises, or where the event will take place.
  • Flexibility.

Integration of facilities : heating, plumbing and sanitation, lighting and electricity, air conditioning, security, audiovisual and communication systems.