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What Is Enterprise Hybrid Cloud Architecture?

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A cloud platform is a need for every organization. It provides flexibility and increases the shareability of data within an organization. With better data security, cloud platforms are an ever-growing industry and a must-have for companies of all sectors. 

One such phenomenon is enterprise hybrid cloud architecture. A custom-created cloud platform that meets the needs of every organization. If you are too looking for a cloud platform for your organization, here is what you need to know about enterprise hybrid cloud architecture. 

Enterprise Hybrid Cloud Architecture 

This is an amalgamation of a public and private cloud to simplify a business’s IT resources management. It creates a unified environment that provides the best of both worlds, private and public cloud. 

Both the public and private cloud offer ample benefits that are useful for an organization. Hybrid cloud architecture takes the benefits of both platforms and leaves their limitations and disadvantages. Thus, creating a cloud platform that is perfect for any organization and suits all their needs and requirements. 

In simpler words, it combines various computing, storage, and cloud services environments. It is used to create a singular automated computing environment that offers flexibility and scalability to the company’s operations. It offers better flexibility, scalability, security, and more control over data centers.

Public Cloud vs. Private Cloud 

Enterprise hybrid cloud is a combination of public and private cloud to offer the best of both to meet the demands and needs of a growing organization. Each has its own benefits. So for a better understanding of enterprise hybrid cloud architecture, here is everything you need to know about public and private cloud. 

Public Cloud

A public cloud is a cloud service where a cloud provider owns and operates computing resources. It is a public domain, which is shared by multiple entities at a subscription fee. It provides unlimited scalability and is a cost-effective solution for data storage. It provides a lot of benefits but also has some of its limitations. It is not scalable enough to fulfill the requirements of a growing company. It also lacks flexibility and scalability, which is a need for continuously expanding companies. 

Private Cloud

A private cloud is an in-house cloud service owned by an enterprise. It is specifically created to fulfill the needs of a single enterprise. It provides more freedom, security, and flexibility to an organization. Companies create these cloud service platforms for their own requirements. In comparison to a public cloud, it is a more costly option, as companies need to invest more in order to set up an IT department to overlook cloud management.

Is Hybrid Cloud Architecture the right fit for your company?

A combination of public and private cloud platforms, hybrid clouds are created to increase a company’s data storage capacity. The biggest reason for you to switch to a hybrid cloud architecture is the scalability and flexibility that comes from the combination of two types of cloud platforms. 

It provides more storage and better control over the data. It allows you to mix and match with the requirements of your company, like business applications, projects, systems, and other infrastructure. It provides better security, better control, faster networks, and business continuity. It is much more scalable and suitable for a growing business. 

A modern and more technologically advanced cloud platform is a need of an hour for businesses to stay ahead of the competition and meet the demands of their customers. After integrating a hybrid cloud architecture, companies have significantly improved their data management. 


Now that you know that a hybrid cloud architecture is the right fit for your company. Integrating a hybrid cloud platform in your company minimizes all the complexities that nobody wants to deal with.