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What Services People Search Engines Offer

If you run a Google search about Online People Finders or People Search Engines, you will get a lot of links to different kinds of apps, software, and even several write-ups talking about these online people finding programs. Why are they so popular these days?

People finder search engines have been trending up for quite a few years now and more and more developers and rolling out new apps regularly. This is because a lot more people are finding uses for this powerful software. With tons of data gathered and stored in secure servers, people finding services are more than just finding persons and their location. You can find out who they are. It’s like hiring a private investigator, without paying for the high costs. Sure some sites offer these services for free, but it’s the premium, paid programs that can provide you with all the details you need, and more. The benefits really will outweigh the cost.

One of the top-rated of these sites is Kiwi Searches.

Kiwi Searches is a search engine specifically developed for finding people and relevant information associated with that person. Public records, arrest records, and whatever else you need for a thorough background check. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. These specialized search engines can give you so much more. And the uses for the information you get goes way beyond just the ability to find a person.  

Here are some benefits of using people finding services like Kiwi:

  • Reconnect with Friends and Relatives

People finder apps can get your current address, phone numbers, email addresses, and social media accounts. This is very useful information when trying to reconnect with friends from your childhood or relatives who you haven’t seen in a long time. so you have different options to choose from when trying to reach out to long-lost friends and relatives. Rounding up your old neighborhood crew is easier than ever before.

  • Getting Contact Information on Unknown Numbers

One of the most commonly used features of people finding services is the ability to reverse search by phone number. Everyone deals with unknown phone numbers. Whether it’s a call on your mobile phone or landline or a random scribbled number in your notes, these mystery digits always leave us perplexed. Should you wait for them to call again? Should you call them back? Or just forget about them? It makes you wish that there was an answer to your question on how to look up a reverse phone number.

So, what is a reverse phone lookup service and what does it do? As the name implies, this is the ability to gain the same information on someone using a phone number as if you searched for them by name. 

  • Run Background Checks on Potential Employees

Running a business and looking for new employees? Or maybe you need a babysitter or a housekeeper for the weekend? Run a background search on a person before you hire them to work for you in case they might have any criminal records. Keep in mind that these people will be spending a lot of time with you or your family member, so make sure that you get the right people for the job. You do not wait until it’s too late before they become a problem for you.

  • Locating Local Services

So, you just moved to a new city, with no friends around, and no idea where the local beauty parlor is at. Ok, it’s on Jefferson Avenue, but where is Jefferson Avenue? Should you go north? Maybe it’s better if you get a pair of scissors from the gift shop across the street and cut your hair yourself. Good luck with that.

People finder sites also have GPS functions so you can use them as a location finder. All you need is a cell phone number or name details and you finally get that beauty time you deserve.

  • Know More About a Company

Now that you’re all pretty after your pamper session at the salon, it’s time to look for a job in your new city. There are a few jobs you qualify for but you have little information about the company. A quick check on the history of the owners of the company can give you what you need to know before you submit your resume. If they are savvy corporate veterans with many other successful businesses to their name, then you can rest easy knowing that you have a chance to join a reputable company run by successful people.

  • Check Up On Your New Neighbors

This time it’s someone who moved into your neighborhood or apartment complex. Naturally, you say your hi’s and hello’s and introduce yourselves to each other. But before you go be a friendly neighbor and invite them for afternoon tea, do a quick tenant screening using their name, and make sure you live next to a good neighbor and not someone you should stay away from. Find out if your new neighbor has court records, gun licenses, or known aliases.  

  • Research Property Records Before Buying or Renting

Do your research before jumping in to purchase or rent a property being offered to you. Run the owner’s name through a people finder service and study the detailed reports you receive. Does the property have any liens attached to it? Does the owner have any public record that can become an issue once you pursue a deal? It’s best to know every detail on the property and the owner before you assume control and it becomes a huge headache for you.

  • Search Yourself

This function isn’t advertised as something you can do on people finding services, but it should. It may sound narcissistic, but running a background check on yourself can do so much more than making sure you look pretty in pictures. What if the search leads you to someone who looks like you but some of the data is surely not yours? No, it’s not a twin brother or sister you didn’t know about. It’s most likely an identity thief with a criminal history looking to scam other people using your image and other relevant data you might have posted somewhere on the internet.

  • Protect Your Loved Ones

When it comes to keeping our family safe, both in the real world and online, no expense is too great nor is any task too difficult. If your kid approaches you and tells you that someone has been bullying them using unknown numbers, a reverse number search can put a name to that number and you can then act immediately to address the issue and report the bully to the proper authorities. Steer your kids away from potentially dangerous situations by keeping track of those they communicate with.

With all the things you can do with the personal information you can gather from a simple name or number, it’s not hard to see why these programs are so popular today. 


Can you find people for free?

The White Pages offers people finding services for free.

How do you find out who called me?

You can try free services like Google, or you can choose a reverse phone lookup service to find out who called you.

Is Kiwi search legitimate?

Yes. Kiwi Searches has thousands of testimonials from its users attesting to its legitimacy and effectiveness.